
poultry house construction

Reason why you must have a poultry house.
*To protect birds from adverse climate conditions
*To ensure easy and economic operation
*To ensure good and proper feeding in a controlled manner
*To ensure proper supervision to your beds.
. poultry house should have proper. Facilities' which are useful in your poultry house such as
feeding bowl, water can and others.
poultry house should be located an elevated area and there should not be any water logging . It should have good and proper ventilation.
but a small size poultry house doesn't requires any special layout .
The floor of the poultry house must be made. Of concrete with rat proof device and free from rat and snake which can kill your chicken
The floor should. Be extended 1.5 feets outside the wall on all side to prevents rat and snakes problem.
Light should be provided at 7.8 feet above the ground level so as to make your birds warm 

The best place to kept your chickens

When you are trying or thinking of setting up a chicken business. What supposed to be your first step is where to keep my chicken. there many ways in which you can keep your chicken as a small scale chicken farmer. These ways depend on space you have. 1. You can start your chicken farming in your unused room or a uncompleted build of your or your father and relative. Before your put your, this system is the cheapest because you didn't need to buy cage for your chicken. Before you put your chickens in the house your have prepared, you must get sawdust so as to make the chicken comfortable and also to prevent diseases that can form from the wet floor of your chicken house. This system of housing is the best for your chicken because I t make them free so that they can freely move around within their house. And this system of housing will prevents your chicken from sickness and others. To get your day old and four week chicks for your farm. Call 08132648095. If you are in ibadan.

A balance view of money

There is saying, Money make the world go round" There is some truth to that statement. After all, it takes money to. Buy food, obtain clothing and pay for rent or buy a home. The role of money in society is incredibly important, if money was removed as a means of exchange. We would be in state of panic and war within a month. of course, money has it limitation. But there some things your money can't. Buy. You can buy food, but not appetite; you can buy medicine but not health; you can buy soft bed, but not sleep; you can buy knowledge but not wisdom;. when a person maintains. A balance view of money- regarding it as a means to an end rather than an end in itself. It is possible to enjoy a greater measure of contentment. The bible warns that the love of money is a root of all sorts of injurious things, and by reaching out for this love some have stabbed themselves all over with pains. So not fall victim. Of all evil money can push you to do. You most get something done to get a balance view of money. You most do something to get money and what you need is patient, hard-working and knowledge of whatever you choose to get money. Stay bless.