
Do you know? Your apology can extinguished conflicts.

when she offended you, you think you should say sorry but you believes she first started it and two of you keep malice and your home and love is no more.
This is what many homes, friend and family members are going thru. Many home and friendship have collapse because of these 3 words. " I AM SORRY".
you try to proof that I did not wrong and she also have same thoughts. And the conflict at home keeps growing.
He is my friend and he should know am not perfect, I know am wrong but I will never says sorry because he caused it. Such friendship may not remains the same again.
Did u know that these 3 words I AM SORRY can extinguish any conflict in any home and friendship?. Say sorry is the best thing to do when you know you have done something wrong to your partner or friend without minding whosoever at fault.
We must all cultivates the habit of saying sorry. Always apologize whenever you think you have done something wrong to other people so as to let peace reign and also extinguish conflict in our society and in our homes.
"I AM SORRY" are the three words that can easily extinguish conflict at home and in the society.