
useful tips on snail slimes to human..

snail can be of difference specie, there were water snails and there were also the land snail. The slime in snail, the slime is the mucus or the water in the snails body when snail is on the move.
this slime is very useful to snail because this slime is what snail use to move , glued it self anywhere and also the slime is also protecting the snail from skin diseases.

Useful of snail slime to human. This useful of snail slime to human skin was first discovered. By a snail farmer in Russia. This farmer obverse that when ever he has cut in this hand it quickly heal and the scars always quickly disappear and also his skin looking fresh.

 Slime is been use in many cosmetic company today because of it healing powers on the skin.

Useful of snail slime on the skin.
1. For reductions and healing of scars
2. Help in quick healing of wounds.
3. Restoration of damages skin.
4. Remover of stress mark.
5. Healing of ringworm.
These are little among the useful of snail slime.

How to use snail slime. Just rubbed the snail body on the affected side , the water on the snail is what you need and let it stay for about 30 minutes, you can do this every night before you go to bed until your wounds is gone.