
Myths about coconut oil.

Coconut oil is the oil that was removed or taken from the coconut fruit. This oil is common around us but many did not know how important and powerful is this coconut oil.
These are the myths of this powerful coconut oil , which is very useful to human and animal.

1. Coconut oil as energy buster for men, many like using energy drinks for sex, but coconut oil is more power energy buster than any energy drinks you might have drinks.

2.Coconut oil for treatment of skins problem. Coconut oil is a perfect drug for many skin diseases.
3. Coconut oil as hair treatment. Coconut oil is very good for hair treatment for both men and women.
4.Coconut oil as leather and wooden polish. Coconut oil is reliable polish for your leather and furniture at home.
5.Coconut oil as wound dressing and healer. Coconut oil is good for healing wound and also for wound dressing.