
Snail as your business and also as a great healer

Snail is wonderful creature of almighty God. Snail is good for both human and animal , it also a sources of food for both human and other animal, but there are some, These things will be discuss on this post.

1. First thing you may not know about snail is that snail as wound and skin healer.
The healing power of  snail was first discovered in Russia, There was a man who decides to keep snail as pet and also as business, during the keeping and feeding of these snail this discover that whenever he has wounds of skins problem on his hand , the wound and the skins problem alway heal without no medical or other treatments. This man was the one that first use snail Slime to heal wounds and other skin diseases, since then , Snail have been use all over the world for the treatments of many skin diseases.

These are some name of some skin diseases, which can healed by snail slime.
1. Skin scars
2. Eczema
3. Fresh wounds
4. Dandruff
and other skin diseases.

2. Snail as ways of making money. Snail can be your source of income. You can start a snail farming at the back of your house. It is very easy and and profitable been a snail farmer.

All what you need is a snail house, which must be under shades because snail love being in a cool place. And you also need snail food which is already available around you.
Snail foods.
1. Fruits
2. Vegetables
3. And you can also make your own home-made snail food. To made
 this home-made food for your snail, all you need is wheat flour. Snail love to eat wheat flour.
Your snail farming can be of two good uses, it can be for money making and at the same time as source of food protein.