
Who is your val ?

The highest of all law of almighty God is Love. Love your neighbor as your self.

Valentine is celebrated all over the world, a special date was being set aside for the celebration of love. February 14 of every year is the day for Valentines.

Many youths nowadays have misuse the real meaning and purpose of the valentine day, many young one has take this beautiful and memorable day as a day for immoral things. Even the most decent among the youth have been deceived by the Valentine fever.

Now to the real meaning of Valentine, Valentine is supposed to be a day to show love to the love one, is a day of sober reflection, and day to look back and say thank you to those who have take great impacts in someone life, a day to remember our dead love one and a day to pray and thank our creator for his love, because if not for love , how a man give us his only begotten son to died for our sin.

Your first val should be that man who died for your sin, also you should remember your parents and also those who are in need, So love those who are poor in your area first before showing loving to your partners .

If you must have sex because of val day, make sure you use your condom, never let a day enjoyment to destroy your life
to have a lovely val this year, you need to discuss with your partner and talk about your future and how both of you can progress, instead of using val day as a sexual day.

Ladies, be careful of men, many of the men you call your love" are out there to use you and dumb you.

Men, those beautiful ladies you call your lover are doing so because of what they can get from you.

Happy valentine day to all our readers.