
The hidden love

This story is a story send to us by one of our readers. when I go through the story, I decided to publish it so as to teach others who are in the habits of quickly judging people of their actions without knowing what lead to source actions.

The story go does. There was a man married with a good wife and a lovely son, this family was a happy and Godly home, the wife was a trader while the husband was a civil servant .

The man was a hard-working man, he always do all what is possible to satisfy and make his wife and son happy.
One day, this man decided to acquire a loan from his bank to buy a new car for the family, because it has always be his desire to get car for the comfort of family. at the end of the month the man finally bought the car and he shows the car to his wife and the son, they were all happy and they celebrate together.

In the following morning before the son go to school, he went to the place where the car was parked and he wrote something on the car, after some minutes, the man saw what the son wrote but he didn't read, he call the son and in annoyance the man hits the the boy hand with a iron pipe, and there was a serious wounds on the boy hand. The boy was rush to the hospital and one of the boy fingers was seriously affected and the doctor advice that the finger must be cut.

After the operation on the boy finger, the boy and his went back home.
A day later, the man want to clean the new car it was then he saw what the boy wrote, what the boy wrote is " DADDY I LOVE YOU DEARLY" the man started crying and regret being quick to judge his son action. And he make a promise, to never quick in judging others of their

We should all learn from this story, THE HIDDEN LOVE