
Gratitude is contagious

Bless the Lord, oh my soul, And forget not all His benefits. Psalm 103:2.

Although forgetfulness sometimes increases with age, its really common to us all. Even children have lapses of memory and excuse themselves by saying " I forgot" But there's one kind of forgetfulness that is inexcusable at any age- forgetting to be grateful to God. The psalmist David was determined not to fall this way, so he exhorted his soul, "forget not all His benefit (psalm 103:2).

David didn't keep his thanksgiving to God a secret. In psalm 35:2 he wrote "The humble shall hear of it and be glad, and who were the humble?
They were those who, like David were going through tough times. Why should they be glad to hear his praises? Because their own faith was strengthened when he testified about God,s help to him in times of fear , trouble, need, sorrow and affliction.
When was the last time you openly and unashamedly praised God for helping you in your difficulties? Someone has this to say: "If Christians praised God more, the world would doubt Him less. "Not only is it appropriate, therefore, to express your gratitude for all His benefits, but your example may also encourage others to move from doubt to faith as you praise Him. JEY.
Thank the Lord when trouble comes.