

Teach your children to be safety and security conscious by making them read this article. You can also share the ideas in this article with your household during morning prayers, at the dinning table and in the school.
The security of your family and household is most paramount and is your personal responsibility.

Avoid sending children on errands at night as this exposed the children to kidnappers, rapers and child molesters.

Avoid sending children to hawk as this exposes them to accidents, and child molesters who may take that to molests them.

Children should inform their parents before embarking on any trip. Teach you children to always report any strange movement of people and objects around the house.
Teach your children not to give their house address and phone number to anybody, including their friends, without informing their parents.

It is in order to teach your children self defense , like judo, karate , boxing and how to use electric self defense garget etc. For the purpose of self defense. You never know when your children might need it.
You should let your children know the danger of accepting free ride from strangers.

Teach your teenage age children to avoid bringing casual friends home without the parents approval, so as to assess and advice them.

Teach your children why they must close the entrance door of the house at all time, teach the not to open the door to unknown person at all time.

Teach your children the danger in bringing too much friends to the house, because some of the friends they brought to the house may constitute a security risk to the family and the immediate society.

If the person who use to pick your children from school is your housemaid, relation or driver, make sure the class teacher or school authority can identify that your housemaid, driver or the relation to avoid being a victim of kidnappers.
it is possible for impostor  to snatch the car from your driver, drive to your children's school and kidnap your kids. Make your kids security conscious.

Mind closely the way your male house help relates with your female children. We have had cases where male house helps violate female children. We have had cases where male house help impregnated female children. We have had cases where male house help had carnal knowledge of female children and infected them with HIV.

Teach your female children not to allow their big brother, uncles, cousins or house help to fondle their sexual parts. Sexual education, like they say of charity, must begin at home . Most parents are too busy , too shy or to spiritual to relate with their children closely enough to discuss and render help on sensitive issues like their sexual growth and development. Try to be different as a parent. Teach your children all what they need to know, including sexual education.