
How to protect your business and yourself from fraudsters

There are three set of people that can be easily fall prey of fraudsters. They are,
1.THE GREEDY - Those who want to get rich quick. These kinds of people do not want to work hard. People with greedy attitude, who want an easy ways to wealth. Those who want to live an expensive life but they are not ready to what hard and they are looking for easy way to make huge amounts of money.

2. THE GULLIBLE - People who easily trust and easily relying on others. These people do get into business partnership with someone without thoroughly investigating the background of the person they are in partnership with. Those who dabble into such kind of business they are not conversant with, just because it appears highly profitable.

3. THE FRUSTRATED - These are the people who are in finance mess . People who have try one business and other but they have failed. People who have been downtrodden by the society or been disappointed by friends. They are usually desperate. And you can easily reads there problem on their face. Fraudsters easily approach such people by pretending to profer solutions to their problem. When such a person listens to them . They then present a proposal that sounds simple and highly profitable. Some ladies fall into the of fraudsters" because they are desperately looking for a marriage partners.

Fraudsters use various techniques to catch their victims, so note these techniques.
1. CONVERSATION - Maybe are in a public bus with them and he or she starts a conversation that eventually leads to questions and answers and he or she started exchanging name, address, phone number.

PSYCHOLOGY - They easily note people who appear sad and frustrated and pretend to be concerned and willing to help.

ENQUIRY - They pretend to be searching for someone and show you an address and beg for your assistance in locating someone. Most often they speak with a strange " Americana" accent" An not a Nigeria, but came by ship. This person am looking for ordered for goods and I cannot locate him bla bla bla.."
"if I can't locate him I would have to sell the goods cheap to someone else.

4. ENCHANTMENT - They arrange with sellers of soft drinks at the Moto park. You are boarding a vehicle together and he or she call for a soft drinks from a seller and buys one for himself and asks the seller to give you one also. If you refuse he laughs and prods and teases you to collect it, after all you are both traveling together. You flattered his generosity and to sho courtesy, you accept. The hawker helps him open his bottle and yours too. You must drink up and return the bottle before the vehicle leaves the park. When you inhale it, you become a slave and you do what you are ask to so . Sign a document, cheque, or whatever. You may end up bring out all the cash and valuable in your possession, or just anything.