

Fear, Stress and Axiety. Sometimes these emotions can easily pass, but there are those moments where they just stick around longer than you think, and it can paralyze someone from participating in what we need to focus on.

These emotions can be crippling if we don’t know how to recognize it, and know how to deal with them. These unfriendly, and sometimes unwanted emotions can pop up anywhere, for instance in a meeting at work, talking to your friends, or watching TV. It can interfere with our decision making process, and our ability to connect with those around us and also affect our thinking .

If you are experiencing any of emotional problems, here are some steps that could be helpful to get you back on track.

1) Breathe:

Pretty easy, and we as adults get to do it about 12 – 20 breaths a minute. When taking your next 3 - 5 breaths, taking deep belly breaths could help clear up any stubborn emotions that might be lingering.

2) Recognize what the problem  is:
Sometimes the hardest step is understanding what it is that we are experiencing in the current moment. If that emotion is unfamiliar or you can’t put a name to it, take note of it. So, if you experience it again it might feel a little bit more familiar, and identifying that particular feeling can be easier.

3) Change your Scenery:

 if we focus our attention on something else, it can change our thinking . By changing our focus, we can better navigate our focus from the emotions we are currently experiencing. It can be as easy as simply getting up, and taking a walk.

4) Chat it Up:

Also, just another way to help shift your focus is by just chatting with a coworker, a barista, or maybe even spend some time with your pet.

5) Mindfulness/Meditation Practice:

One good way to change your relationship with stress, fear or anxiety is starting a mindful or meditation practice. It can be as long as you need it to be, and to start out 3 -5 minutes might just work. There are so many different ways to be mindful and meditate, and here are a few options to consider Visual Meditation, Loving –Kindness Meditation, and Transcendental Meditation.

These changes may help in the moment, but if you want to ultimately transform your relationship with stress, fear, or anxiety it may take dedication, and being mindful in each those moments when you experience these emotional feelings.

Don't also forget prayer, run for sin because sin bring fear and anxiety. Move closer to God and meditate in his words.


Are Chickens the new "dog"?

Having a small backyard flock of chickens is a growing trend in countries around the world. And it is not just country folks who enjoy raising chickens, more and more cities are relaxing their laws and ordinances and allowing chickens, so city dwellers can enjoy this pleasant hobby too. Many celebrities such a Jennifer Aniston, Barbra Streisand, Miley Cyrus, Chevy Chase, Reese Witherspoon and Martha Steward raise backyard chickens. So why are pet chickens so popular? Let's have a look at some of the benefits of raising backyard chickens.

Chickens are easy, inexpensive pets with benefits

- Starting with and keeping chickens is relatively inexpensive. See here for a breakdown of start up and ongoing costs.
- Meat birds (Cornish Cross) are usually processed around the age of 7 – 9 weeks. So after feeding them for only 2 months, you can stock your freezer with your own wonderful, fresh, home-grown meat.
- When you raise your own chickens, you know what went into the meat and eggs. It’s a safer and healthier alternative to factory farmed poultry and eggs.
- The meat of farm-raised chicken has significantly less fat (and fewer calories) than typical store-bought chicken.
- Backyard and free ranged hens produce eggs that are very nutritious and great tasting. Not to mention they are always fresh! Free ranged and backyard hens' eggs are also much healthier than battery hens' eggs. Here is a comparison between the nutrient content of free range vs battery eggs:

Nutrient Content - Battery Eggs Nutrient Content - Free Range Eggs
Vitamin A - 0.97mg Vitamin A - 7.37mb
Vitamin E - 487IU Vitamin E - 763IU
Beta Carotene - 10mg Beta Carotene - 76.2mg
Folate - 47mcg Folate - 0.71g
Omega 3 - 0.033mg Omega 3 - 292mg
Cholesterol - 423mg Cholesterol - 231mg
Saturated Fat - 3.1
Saturated Fat - 2.31g

- Chickens make great pets for children and great 4H projects.
- They are friendly, easy to manage, low maintenance and can be kept as house pets as well.
- Chickens are a food source. Hens will provide you with wonderful fresh eggs and cockerels (and retired hens) can be processed and eaten.
- Chickens are entertaining and keeping and spending time with your feathered friends, or just "watching chicken TV", can be rewarding and at times very funny, as this member discovered.

Free range chickens are excellent, hard working gardeners

- Once you’ve harvested everything you want from your vegetable garden, your chickens will happily clear the beds, scratching out and eating unwanted weeds, slugs and seeds and fertilizing the soil while they're at it.
- Own an orchard or a few fruit trees? Chickens will devour the fallen fruit before it can attract insects.
- Chicken manure contains high levels of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium.
- Chicken manure is more economically valuable than synthetic fertilizers.
- Chicken manure can be used to make fertilizer tea.
- Chickens love digging and scratching around in compost heaps and composting with chickens can be very beneficial for your compost heaps too.
- Chickens will happily take care of crickets, grass hoppers, snails and other pests in the garden.