

Addiction is a compulsive tendency developed over a period of continuous and repeated actions or exposures to a certain substance. It can result in loss of willpower and self- esteem, loss of or shift in focus, social and emotional disconnect , poverty, death, etc. According to the American Society of Addition Medicine, addiction leads to characteristic biological, psychological, social and spiritual manifestations.
There are many types of addiction but three will be discuss on this blog.

1. SUBSTANCE ADDICTION: drug abuse like taking of cocaine, opioids-heroine, amphetamines, benzodia-zepines, alcoholism, smoking etc.

This is addiction that is pertaining to mood altering behaviours, such as gambling, sexual activities like masturbation, sex, pornography, etc. Eating disorders, spending, shopping, watching television, etc.

3.POSITION ADDICTION:  this kind of addiction is an addiction associated with power , influence and affluence. Just as with every other type of addiction, the position addict enjoins his power, influence or affluence at the expense of others . Examples is King Saul in the bible ( 1Samuel 19:1;8-16 and King Hezekiah (Isaiah 39:1-8).

Now, how to overcome addictions. These are steps to do to overcome addiction.
1. Take a stand. You must first of all acknowledge that addiction is an affliction and you are already caught up in it web. Then , you must be willing to break free from its bondage while acknowledge that you cannot help yourself.

2. SEEK HELP. You must open up to people who can help you in breaking the evil habit and you must also put God and prayer in consideration. Make sure you surrender yourself for proper screening and therapies.

3. Make sure you keep the company of those who can encourage you in your journey total victory from addiction.

4. Keep your heart with all diligence and renew it daily. Addiction is really a battle of the mind.

5. You must avoid exposure to all forms of triggers.

6. Lastly, Avoid relapse. Relapse is to addiction what backsliding is to sin and its episode is usually worse than before  the treatment and spiritual deliverance.