Where did we get life ? From time immemorial, people have been asking : why was I born? Why did God make me ? Why am I here ? What is the purpose of life ? What is the meaning of life ? What is life itself? The answer of course is from our parents. Where did they get it ? From their parents. Inevitathep one goes back to Eden and the creation of man (Genesis 27), It is easy to see that all life comes from God( 1John 5:11-20). No wonder Jesus said , I am the life".
Various people have also gives various answers. Some says, "Life is the union of soul and body". This may be true of humans, but not of paints. Some say it is the period between birth and death. But life exists before birth and after death. The Bible speaks of three kinds of life: Physical life, which was given to man at the time of creation; Spiritual life, winch is the new life that God gives to the believer in Jesus Christ ( Ephesians 2:1); Eternal life, which is the nature of life Lord God Himself.
Life is a moment of time to prepare for the long, long, eternity. In this brief, fleeting time called life, we are to accomplish our divinely appeared assignments. We also have to answer one question " Where do I wish to spend eternity? Is it forever in the Heaven or with the Satan in the burning hell ? The purpose of life is to let you personally choice the abiding place of your soul. Have you made the choice yet ?
1. Life is like a journey (Genesis 47:3). We are travelling on this journey whether we like it or not. Birth is an automatic start. To some , it is long journey but to some, it is short whether is short or long, provided it ends . Before the flood that destroyed the first world ,the length of life of man as an average of 846 years ( Genesis 5), after the flood, the life span was reduced to 383 years ( Genesis 11). At the time of moses, there was a in comparison.
2. Life is like a flower. First we see the blade, the the leave and afterwards the beautiful but. Slowly, it open and we gasp at its beauty. Then it wither and is gone , gone so soon, so quickly.
3. Life is like a shadow. A shadow is poor imitation of the real thing. Similarly, our physical life is a very poor imitation of eternal life just as seventy years is a poor imitation of eternity.
4. Lastly, Life is like a dream. Most dreams last at most a few minutes and soon after waking up, most dreams are forgotten. Similarly, some people live and are forgotten as soon as they die.
Remember, Life is like a dream .
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