Egg production is one of the most profitable aspect of poultry farming, and higher egg production is the prayer of all poultry farmer.
As the cold weather months roll in, daytime and egg production decreases. In addition to the daylight decrease, other factors may affect your chickens' egg production.
You may ask yourself, "What is it about the daylight difference and this time of year that slows egg production?" or "How can I increase my chickens' egg production?" The solutions are relatively easy and has boosted chickens egg production by a large margin. Chickens require 14 hours of sunlight to lay one egg. Once fall and winter arrive, 14 hours of sunlight is uncertain. Because of this you can help your chickens to think that sunlight lasts longer by placing a light bulb in there house or net and you must make sure the light is put on all time. As the light on chickens will think of it to be sunlight, and lay more eggs because they receive the required amount of "sunlight". Major egg factories use light bulbs to provide "sunlight" to their chickens and maximize their egg production.
Another factor that may affect egg laying is chicken diet. Chickens need a higher protein diet during cold weather , this make them stay warm. Feeding them scratch every other morning helps them to stay warmer and gives them more protein. I suggest you feed them some scratch every other day. So far, his advice has proven to be beneficial.
To get your chickens wanting to eat their food, try mixing in some warm milk or water in with their food. Also be sure to keep their water liquid, not ice. Since an egg consists of mainly water, they need to drink plenty of water in order to lay an egg. However, if ducks are present in the chicken house, a barrel or trough with a barrier around it that is tall enough for your birds to get plenty of water.
Don't forget that you layer hen need sunlight to lay more egg, you can use electric bulb during cold weather to make the warn and also to serve as source of sunlight for them, don't also forget to add more protein to their feeds during cold weather.
All you need to know about how to raise chicken, turkey and rabbits at your backyard.