

As a poultry farmer, Caring for  chickens is pretty easy if you know what to do at right time. Chicken have the same needs as most any other animal. In this article we'll tell you what you should do daily to make your poultry birds healthy and strong, as well as other nuances of chicken husbandry.


1. Keep feeders and waterers full.
Make sure the waterer is clean. Chickens will be less inclined to drink dirty water, and a dehydrated bird can very quickly become ill or die.
Check to make sure they all look active, bright and healthy. Make an appointment with your vet if they don't.
Collect and refrigerate eggs, pointy side down for maximum freshness.
If you've opened the coop door to let your chickens out, always be sure to close and secure it at dusk (once they've all returned!) to make sure predators can't get in. (Tip: if you have a cell phone that allows you to set a recurring alarm, try that as a reminder.)
Keep in mind that you CAN leave your chickens alone for a few days provided they have enough food, water and space for the duration of your trip. The eggs they'll have laid in your absence should still be good to eat. Fresh eggs keep for several days without refrigeration. Surprised? Consider this: hens lay an average of 10-12 eggs per "clutch" (the group of eggs that a hen sits on to incubate). They lay one egg per day and at the end of a 10-12 day laying period they roll all the eggs together to incubate them. That means the egg laid on day 1 is still good enough on day 12 to become a living, breathing baby chick - so it should be good enough for you to eat too!

2. Egg Tip: Your eggs may have some slight traces of dirt or chicken feces on them. Resist the urge to scrub them clean! Outside the egg is a delicate membrane called the "bloom" that wards off bacteria and other foreign matter. Scrubbing will damage this membrane. If you're one of those Type A people that needs perfect-looking eggs, rub them with your fingers very gently under warm water. Then, wash your hands thoroughly

3. Make sure you clean the coop at when due. if your chicken lives in a dirty  environment, this can attract germs and this can cause illness to your birds. Always make your chicken house clean. The will help in preventing diseases and germs.

4. Study your birds everyday, this will help you to detect sick birds . when you discover any sick bird among your chicken, quickly take it out from the flocks and isolate such bird, so as not to infects others. Treat the sick chicken for day and monitor it health ontill such bird is fully recovered.

5. Give your Chicken right feed. Poultry feed is one of the most important aspect of poultry business, your chicken need right feed to grow fast and healthy, you must look for right composition of poultry feed ingredients, your chicken need protein, calcium, Viber, and energy to be healthy and strong. When next you are looking for chicken feeds make sure all these are present in your chicken feed.