

A crucial key to intimacy in marriage is communication.
  The intention of God for marriage is that the couple become one flesh. Marital intimacy, therefore, is the process that brings about the intended oneness in marriage, it involves bridging the gaps between the two worlds of the husband and wife until complete oneness is achieved physically, spiritually and emotionally. Oneness in marriage does not happen by default or by accident, but takes concerted and conscious effort of the two parties involved.

1. Acceptance: There is no perfect human being. Therefore, the journey of marital intimacy begin by accepting the totality of your partner, including the strength and the weaknesses.
2. Agreement: It takes two to tango. Marital intimacy will be difficult to achieve with an unwilling partner. Therefore, there is a need for the couple to agree on certain values of marriage and set appropriate goals towards achieving them.
3. Service: Couples must serve each other in love and reverence to achieve the intended goal of oneness. You must make sacrifices for each other. You must celebrate, comfort, cuddle and rebuke each other in love when necessary.
4. Prioritising: If the marriage must not be hanging on the balance of marital instability, there is need to break ties with relationships and engagements that could compete for equal attention. Make out more time for each other.

A crucial key to intimacy in marriage is communication. Communication helps breakdown every n wall partition between a man and his wife and gives unhindered access to each other's world. Effective communication breeds trust and transparency, strengthens the cord of love and breaks the backbone of assumption and suspicious. The line of communication must be open and unambiguous on any subject, love, care, compliments, offenses, rebukes, forgiveness, aspirations, ideas. When the barrier of communication is out of the way, there is unity at the home front , thereby, paving way for love to flourish.

Lastly,  One partner might pay higher price than the other but on the whole, It takes commitment and patience of the two to arrive at ecstasy.