There are principally two kind of death and both of then come from the garden of Eden.
What is death ? Death is the opposite of life, the departure of life and the cassation of life. To humans, death is the separation of body, soul and spirit. They body goes to the grave and disintegrates; the spirit goes back to God, and the soul goes to one of two place: The soul of the wicked go to hell and the soul of the righteous to Paradise.
There are principally two kind of death and both of then come from the garden of Eden.
1. Spiritual death, which means separation from God . In the garden of Eden , Adam and Eve did not die physically immediately they ate the forbidden fruit. However they were separated from God and driven out of garden of Eden . They died spiritually.
2. Physical death, which is cassation of life also originated in Eden when God killed some animals to get skins to cover Adam and Eve. The first human to die physically was Abel, the son of Adam.
Spiritual death was caused by disobedience to God . Death is the direct result of sin. In the case of physical death, the doctor may write any one of many things on the death certificate , but the real answer is SIN. Sin is the basic cause and disease is the immediate agent that God uses to execute the sentence that was pronounced on mankind in the garden of Eden.
Physical death is described in various ways in the bible , for example, it is described as : sleep (john 11:11); they requiring of the soul (Luke12:20); going to a place of no return (Job 16:22); putting off this earthly house (2Corinthians 5:1); yielding up the gost (Act 5:10).
Regardless of what modern science and doctors may achieve , we are appointed to die ( Hebrew 9:27). We are born with an appointment to meet physical death. We must keep that appointment unless the Lord return soon.
However, we can avoid spiritual death simply by believing on the Lord Jesus Christ and accepting Him as our Lord and saviour. Physical death can be avoided by the rapture of the Church but if we meet our appointment with death before the Lord return, there is still hope . Christ has promised to walk with us through the experience of death ( John 14:13). If you can truthfully says, " The Lord is my shepherd," then , you can not have to fear death .
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