Rabbits meat is one of the best pure and healthy meat for both elderly and children.
This animal is lovely and neat animal,
I have not come in contact with any neat and easy to raise animal like Rabbit
Rabbits can be raise as pet, for meat at home and also as money making business. When thinking about raising Rabbits , you should know reason why you want to raise them , because this will guide you to know the breeds, and the kind of housing needed for raise them.
The main purpose of this post is to analyze and summarize how you can raise rabbits as healthy meat at home and also as a money making business
These 3 above breeds are some of the breed that are best for meat and business because of their ability to grow fast and their weight
To start a rabbit farming, you need just two female rabbits and a male, depending on your financial power. You can buy any of these above breeds at the age of six weeks as a begginer. Allow them to stay together for another 6 weeks, when they are 3 months, separate them into different houses to avoid unwanted pregnancy and fight. The female rabbits can get pregnant at the age of of 3 to 4 months which is not advisable and healthy for the female, a female rabbits will be fully grown and ready for pregnancy at the age of 5 to 6 months. The male will also fully grown at age 6 months.
Rabbits can be raise in a cage or in a room, but the best way to keep rabbits is caging system.
Your rabbits cages can be made of wood and net or full net cage. The house must be divided and each room should only house a rabbit.
Rabbits can be feed on animal feeds and plant , they can also eat human home food leftovers.
There are many type of Rabbit feeds which can be bought from any animal feeds store around you, if you can't find any around you , your Rabbits can also eat poultry feeds, but you must make sure you buy chickens grower feed.
Your need to feed your Rabbits twice in a day, in the morning and in the evening.
Both young and adults Rabbits can eat same food.
There are many plant that are good food for your Rabbits.
They are ; Water leaf, morning leaf, banana leaf etc , don't forget , all home leftovers are also good for your Rabbits.
Now that you have known how to raise Rabbits, I will let you known how profitable Rabbits farming can be , when you have the right breed and care,
Rabbits meat is one of the best pure and white meat, which is good for both adults and children, but is more beneficial to adults than the children.
Many people who are on diet and those who didn't want red meat or fatty meat are looking for Rabbits meat every day , because of it low fat .
For these above reason, hope you see reason why you should also go for Rabbits farming, even if not for business but for provision of pure and good meat for your family.
To buy your healthy and good breeds of Rabbits , both young and adults, kindly call Ariyo's farm on this number 08132648095 or you can email us on bobbytoyese77@gmail.com . For more questions and help.
All you need to know about how to raise chicken, turkey and rabbits at your backyard.