As a chicken owner i keep finding all those natural and herbal stuff for my flock that makes my Backyard or Pet chickens super healthy .
Today's article is all about that famous herb from China & Japan that is use as a traditional Tea which contain huge health benefits , Yes Í'm talking about Camellia sinensis Aka Green Tea .
The Green tea is very high in Antioxidants . A small tea bag of Green Tea contains 10 Apples Antioxidants & flavonoids . Also green tea contain many other things too like
vitamins A, C, E and many of the B vitamins. There are 13 essential types of vitamins: A, C, D, E, K and Bvitamins (Thiamine (B1), Riboflavin (B2), Niacin (B3), Pantothenic acid (B5), Biotin (B7) Folate (B9) .
Now Lets know more about what the miracles Green Tea Can do for your chicken . I personally used green tea on my roosters and i see good results on Cough , Cold Like Symptoms . One of it's chemicals is epigallocatechin-gallate which is known for its ability to increase the number of regulatory T cells, useful in fighting off autoimmune diseases. Other notable healing substances include fluoride, catechins, and tannins .
These are likely benefits of green tea
Digestive aid
One of my rooster always shows some sort of walking backwards symptoms which are Vitamin E problem,. as you know vitamin E also contains antioxidants so just as a try when i give him 5 ml of green and the symptoms almost fade away , am soo happy! So now whenever i made a cup for myself i give it to my roosters too .
there are some researches shown that green tea in chickens routine help them prevent Cocci & Ecoli .
As mentioned above, green tea is antiviral it can be used in issues like NDV (Newcastle Disease) . Green tea contains catechins, which are polyphenolic compounds that are known to exhibit strong anti-influenza activity. A study conducted on chickens by Lee HJ et al., 2012 showed that adding 10 g/kg of green tea to the diet of chickens showed significant antiviral protection against AVIAN FLU
Chemistry Of Green Tea :
Fresh green tea leaves contain five major catechins: catechin (C), (−)-epicatechin (EC), (−)-epicatechin 3-gallate (ECG), (−)-epigallocatechin (EGC) and (−)-epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG). These compounds are water-soluble and contribute to bitterness and astringency of green tea.
I Hope you are able to feel good about the use of green tea in chickens and others poultry birds . thanks for reading
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All you need to know about how to raise chicken, turkey and rabbits at your backyard.