

The truths about Jesus are so foundational and crucial that almost every spiritual information or revelation revolves around it.
The name JESUS, is the Greek form of Hebrew word JEHOSHUAH OR JOSHUA. It signifies " Saviour ", or "Jehovah save'. No one ever bore this name with so much justice, nor so perfectly fulfilled the significant of the name, as Jesus Christ, who saves from sin and hell, and has married Heaven for us by the price of his blood. It was given to Him by divine appointment, as the proper name for the saviour so long desired. The name CHRIST, meaning the Anointed One", The Messiah", was His official name. As a Christian , we must all know some foundation truths about Jesus and the honour attached to His name.

The fact that Jesus humble Himself and submitted Himself to shameful death on the Cross earned Him an exalted name , the name which is above all other names. At the mention of Jesus , demons, sicknesses, diseases , situations or bad circumstances bow. All requests directed to God in His Name (JESUS) are honoured by Him and He gives answers according to His will. The name is the surest foundation upon which other spiritual structures are built. This is the only wonderful name mentioned amongst men bringing about salvation. It is otherwise known as Emmanuel, Wonderful, Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, the mighty God. The name JESUS , spell absolute and total freedom indeed.

Jesu is the son of God whose mysterious birth was announced by an angel. He is a clear demonstration of divine favour as bestowed upon virgin Mary , His mother , and the entire household as well. He is God revealed in the flesh. Through Jesus all things were created, whether visible or invisible ( Hebrews 1:2, Colossians 1:16-18). His earthly ministry was noted for miracles, signs and winders, as well as a life of holiness, integrity and power.
He became our substitution for sins, we who were hitherto condemned to death by the law. He bore all the penalties including death on the shamefully cross of Calvary for the sins of mankind. He then rose from the dead on the third day and then returned to Heaven to prepare a place for those who believe in Him .
Those who know God by his name are not only strong but also full of great works including the divine ability to resist every temptation of the devil.

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