

Snails are one of the largest Mollusc subgroup containing ten thousand species and 400 living families. They are in every habitat, under water and on the land. Snail.are the common name given to a number to a class of Mollusc gastrapda. They are harmless creatures and they have many names according to the ethic groups , tribe and dialects where they are found.

General, snail meat contain vitamin A, E, B1 , B3, and B6.
Vitamin A is essential for the proper function of the eyes.
Vitamin E acts on an antioxidants, while vitamin B1,B3, and B6 are vital vitamin that help to prevent and control diabetes.
Snail are also rich in vitamin B12, which help in the production of red blood cells, keeps the nervous system healthy , released energy from food eaten and process folic acid , snails are low in colories and have a very high amount of protein which is essential for building and repairs muscle and worn out tissue in the body.
Snail are also good source of Iron needed for building red blood cells and transporting energy to the body.
More so , snail contain glycoprotein which help in fighting cancer , copper compound which help to heal injury and prevent heart disorder , Omega-3 fatty acids which assist in the development of the brain and memory of children, prevent heart disease and lower high cholesterol levels. Snail are also high in potassium and low in sodium , thereby , making them good for maintaining blood pressure levels and they also reduce the risk of stroke , heart and kidney diseases. In addition , snail are very tasty , delicious and nutritious.

With all these wonderful benefits hope you now see reason why you should also raise Snails at you backyard, for information on how to raise and start your snail farming, you can contact us on this email, and we are ready to render our service to your satisfaction. Thanks.

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