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Showing posts with label backyard chicken farming. Show all posts
Showing posts with label backyard chicken farming. Show all posts

Profitable ways to make money raising Chicken at your backyard

There are many ways to make money from your poultry birds
But for me, it is not so much creating a farm business, as much as creating a self-sustaining farm. I want all aspects of our poultry to bring in enough income to pay for themselves.
I will talk on how and  ways our poultry business will not cost us much money- but pays for itself with a little left over as income for us as well

Since chickens are probably the most common poultry livestock, I am going to map out all the ways you can use your chickens to make a profit- or at least make them pay for themselves!

remember, while I am going to focus on chickens- this all goes for other poultry birds too- especially ducks and quail.

These are how to Make Money Raising Chickens
Making money from your chicken eggs

This one is a no brainer. At one time or another most chicken owners will find themselves overrun with eggs and considering selling the excess to friends and neighbors.

We’ve been selling eggs at a local farmer’s market for a couple years now, at it’s a good market to be in. Here in Nigeria we can sell our eggs for about $2 per crate- and that is for conventionally fed birds.

You can charge even more for GMO-free or organic eggs. You can also post on your local Craigslist or contact local small markets and restaurants. Plus raising 25 chickens isn’t much different than raising 10….

Making money from hatching Eggs

If you’ve got a rooster- then you have fertile eggs! If you aren’t a breeder, you can probably sell hatching eggs for about the same price you might sell your fresh, eating eggs.
If you have a specialized breeding stock and highly sought after breeds you can charge much more even up to $1 per egg. Either way- it’s one more way to make extra money from your birds!

Making money by selling of day Old Chicks

There have been a few times- especially in the late winter, when egg production is picking up and the market season hasn’t started yet where we find ourselves with a lot of eggs.
This is a good time to stick them in the incubator! Chick days at the local farm stores usually start in February here in our area- so you can tap into that growing market.

You can hatch and sell day-old chicks for a couple dollars each if you are going straight run- a little more if you know how to accurately sex the chicks. This works particularly good if you have a flock that is just one breed- or if you have the ability to breed Easter-Eggers.

You never know- business may take off and you can expand and create a few breeding pens and raise all sorts of different breeds.

Making money with pullets/Layers birds

Some people just don’t want to deal with raising day-old chicks. They don’t want to mess with heat lamps or the high needs of babies.
Many of these people are willing to pay a much higher price to get already birds that are already feathered or even laying.

If you have a lot of space and storage this can be a very profitable option for you .

  Making money with frozen chicken

We all know that chickens only lay their best for a couple of years, after that they need to be replaced with newer birds if you want to keep egg production up. So what do you do with all those old layers?

Well, you can either butcher them for your own soup pot, or you can sell them for others! It’s a nice way to get rid of your old birds and make them an even more profitable part of your farm.
Here at our house, we sell our older layers live or frozed them and those who want frozen chicken..

Making money with chicken meats

Broilers is one of the fastest growing chicken and quickest ways to create an income from chickens. They only take about 8 weeks to grow to butcher weight.
Depending on laws in your area, you can sell straight from the farm and butcher them yourself at home, which will keep your costs much lower. .

If you  are raising chickens for eggs, you probably already have the brooder, run, and coop space to try out the meat bird business in your area.


If you are thinking of raising chicken in your backyard, these tips will help you and put you through on how you can go about it.
Why free range chicken farming over traditional chicken farming?
There are several reasons why people go for free range chicken farming these days.

1. High-quality meat food

Free range chickens give you an unlimited quantity of high-grade meat. Since these chickens are raised in a natural environment and not fed unwanted chemicals, the eggs laid by them are rich in nutrition, and their meat is also very healthy.

2. Les s space requirement

Since backyard chickens wander in the open during most of the day, they do not require large spaces . An individual living in an apartment can also purchase small chicken coop and raise free-range chickens. All you need to do is take them out in the open for food and water.

3. Low  cost maintenance.
Backyard chickens depend on natural vegetation for food and hence their maintenance cost is very low. No chemicals or chicken feed is required to raise them, resulting in limited spending and cost.

4. Reduced spreads of diseases

Since the chickens are not caged together or held in a coop, there are minimal chances of them getting a transmitted disease.


If you are planning to go raise free range chicken farming , here are some helpful tips for you:

1. Make sure you buy high-quality chickens from a certified dealer or farm.

The first and the most important step in free-range poultry farming is purchasing chickens from a certified dealer. Carefully examine the breed you want to raise and ensure that it is free of any disease.

2. Take good care of the chickens until they are mature

Keep the chicks inside a brooder till they have reached a growth period where they are ready to be brought out into the open.

3. Build a fence around their roaming area

Design a fenced area where the chickens may wander freely. Ensure that you keep it reasonably high to prevent the entrance of domestic hunters like cats. It does not have to be big space, but make sure that it is sufficient for the numbers of chicks that you are raising.

4. Built a coop on the fenced area

Remember to build a coop in the fenced-in area for basic shelter for the chickens. During the rainy climate, the chickens may be forced to house themselves to stay warm. Also, always keep some feed in the coop even if the birds are being motivated to gather food on their own.

5 Keep them safe from chicken predators

Assess the area thoroughly before your chickens set out on their journey out in the open. Ensure that the area is free from native predators like cats and dogs


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