Do you know are some homemade recipes can make your chickens and turkey healthy and productive ? However, a lot of unhealthy treats can hurt your birds. That is why it is important to be sure to feed our chickens healthy snack alternatives. Now, I know what you are thinking. Healthy snack usually equates to a hefty price tag. Which is why we are bringing you over 16 different healthy hen treats that you can make at home.
They are :
1. Frozen Scrambled Egg Pops.
Would you think that chickens wouldn’t like their own eggs? Well, if you thought that, that would be incorrect. Chickens eat pretty much anything and these treats are no different. They are great at giving the chickens protein they need. Plus, when hot weather heads your way, these pops are a great way at keeping them cool too. So if you’d like easy and inexpensive treats for your chickens, then give these cool pops a quick peak. Make these chicken treats.
2. The Frozen Strawberry Treat .
I found this hidden treasure within our last post. I love The Chicken Chick. She is so knowledgeable about all things chickens. Which is why it should be no surprise that you find a second treat for your hens tucked away in the article you were reading about chicken treats. So basically, she takes frozen strawberries, mint leaves, and ice cubes for her chickens to eat when dealing with hot weather. This encourages them to stay in the shade while also giving them nutrients that they love and need. Make these chicken treats.
3. The Chicken Frozen Fruit Smoothie
This is a really great idea to share with your chickens on a hot day. You basically take most fruits that they love and mix it with mint leaves and water. You’ll blend it up like you would any smoothies. Then you’ll place it inside a fruit ring to freeze it. Finally, you’ll give the frozen delicious beverage to your chickens that will really appreciate it during sweltering heat. Make these chicken treats.
4. Fruit and Yogurt Parfaits.
I love fruit and yogurt parfaits. Well, guess what? So will your chickens. They are able to eat many fruits and vegetables without facing adverse effects of them and dairy is very similar. So you can take fruits and vegetables and mix them with yogurt or cottage cheese, and your hens will be very happy. It is also very healthy for them too as it gives them necessary vitamins plus calcium which is key to egg development. Make these chicken treats.
5. Left Overs.
Not everything we eat is always healthy. However, if you eat a healthy meal around your table and have some left then go ahead and toss it to your chickens. Plus, whatever they won’t eat they’ll grind it around and turn it into a wonderful composts. So almost any fresh vegetables and fruits that you feed your family for good health will give good health to your chickens too.
6. Meal Worms.
Meal worms are a great snack that is packed with protein for your chickens. They are also a very budget friendly snack considering you can raise them yourself. So if you like the idea of giving your hens healthy treats while not breaking the bank, then you should consider this healthy snack idea. Raise these chicken treats.
7.Watermelon .
Chickens love fruits especially watermelon. I think it is where the fruit is mainly made up of water so it keeps them hydrated with the extreme juiciness of it. But I have always noticed anytime I put a watermelon in their chicken yard, my birds go bananas for it. So keep these fruits in mind at chicken treats when planting your garden.
8. Peep’s Pumpkin Pie .
This is another great recipe by The Chicken Chick. This is a great way to use up any left over pumpkins this fall. Not to mention, your chickens will thank you for it. This pie allows them to get the benefits of pumpkin with a little variation in flavor.
9 Egg Shells .
Egg shells are actually a treat to chickens. The reason is they love the calcium they get from them. Which makes this treat very easy and affordable. So when you crack an egg that your chicken laid, simply grind it up and feed it to them. They will adore the treat for the nutrients that they value so much. Make this chicken treat.
10.Flock Block
This recipe is great and seems to be fairly inexpensive to make. The best part about this block is that it is super healthy for your hens and also appears to be a way to keep them from being bored. So follow the recipe, make your own flock block, and then hang it from your coop somewhere where the chickens can peck at it until their hearts are content.
11. Pumpkin Seed Treat
This pumpkin treat is very simple. You will cut a pumpkin into chunks. Then you’ll need to put the chunks into the food processor. When that is complete and well pureed, then you’ll mix a little of their feed in with it and give the pumpkin seed puree to your birds. Hopefully they’ll be as pleased with it as your budget will be.
12. The Cucumber
Tetherball Do you remember the game tetherball? I really enjoyed that game as a kid. The fun part is, so will your chickens. So instead of just throwing a cucumber to them, make it fun. You’ll need to run a string through the cucumber and hang it up so the chickens can spend hours pecking away at it.
13. Apple Garland
This apple garland idea is really cute and one that your chickens are sure to love. She just slices and cores the apples. Then she strings them with popcorn and runs them as a garland. I can only imagine the fun chickens would have trying to get the food from the garland.
14. Scrambled Eggs
I mentioned scrambled egg pops earlier in this post to help cool your chickens down during a hot day. But if you don’t feel like taking that extra step on a regular day with normal temps, then you don’t have to. Actually, feeding chickens scrambled eggs is one of the best protein sources you can give them during the fall when many chickens are going through molt. So keep this protein packed treat in mind when you are considering healthy chicken treats.
14. Homemade Suet Cakes
Homemade suet cakes are made out of very natural ingredients that are easily accessible. In fact, you probably have most of them on hand.
15. Poultry Protein Platter
This poultry protein platter is another great treat idea for the chicken in molt. It is not difficult and is very healthy for your birds.
16. Ginger
Ginger is considered a super food. It is highly recommended that you feed your chickens ginger because of the benefits that can be passed on to you through their eggs. So if you’d like the benefits of ginger without consuming it yourself, then give it to your chickens. They’ll love it and hopefully you’ll still reap quite a few of the benefits of ginger through your bird.
All you need to know about how to raise chicken, turkey and rabbits at your backyard.
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