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Showing posts with label Inspirational talks. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Inspirational talks. Show all posts

Those who depends on Monthly salary never makes Billion. WHY ?

Money is a factor that determine life and live,  without money nothing  can be accomplished. Even when someone is talented or


"And ye shall know the truth and the truth shall make u free" (John 8:32).
The differences between a child and an elder are numerous, some of which are experience and knowledge made

Resist the pull of fatigue regardless of the past disappointments, YOU WILL WIN

When you are working so hard and you are expecting one or two things in your life, but after waiting for so long, you are not able to get what you works for then you thing there is no hope again.
I remember the historic football match


Do you know you have treasure within you?
God put it there. It is in your unique qualities, plus the fire in your soul. Life may have thrown cold water on that fire but God can rekindle it

God has not left the Driver's seat (Inspirational post)

When devil is in charge of the bus of someone life, he does what he likes with such people life, he decides where such person can reach in life, he put a limit to where such a person can attain in life, he put a barrier between such destination, even when such person is in right play he decides not to drop him there. Devil always take charge when you put your hope in human, when you trust in human but not in God. Have you forgotten, God own all heart and he directed it to wherever he wanted, that person you thinks that may be your helpers may not be what God want for you

The bus stop doesn't matter. Your relationship with the Driver is what matters

Many who did not have christ waited for the driver but at the end there was no one to pick them up, Many choose other gods as their driver but the gods did not able to take them to their destination.

Why you need to plan for future, as a salary earner ?

I decide to write this post so as to help and enlight people who are salary earners.
If your are a Salary earner and you are not able to meet many of your financial obligations, this post is for your.
I read a book which says, " No on ever became a billionaire with monthly salary" As a salary earner I was very sad, but as I read further, the book also says, " To be a millionaire as a salary earner , you need to sell or provide a service. I later practice what I read in that book and I started a little business and today my story has changed.
 Many people who were on monthly salary payment are always not having enough money to themselves. This has make many to suffer after their retirement, they are not able to meet their financial obligations to their family and community, many are not able to take care of their families after their retirement from service.


Despite friendship and relationship, a man cannot love without his mind. Men are designed to love with their mind. A man you yet to know h...