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Egg production is one of the most profitable aspect of poultry farming, and higher egg production is the prayer of all poultry farmer.
As the cold weather months roll in, daytime and egg production decreases. In addition to the daylight decrease, other factors may affect your chickens' egg production.
You may ask yourself, "What is it about the daylight difference and this time of year that slows egg production?" or "How can I increase my chickens' egg production?" The solutions are relatively easy and has boosted chickens egg production by a large margin. Chickens require 14 hours of sunlight to lay one egg. Once fall and winter arrive, 14 hours of sunlight is uncertain. Because of this you can help your chickens to think that sunlight lasts longer by placing a light bulb in there house or net and you must make sure the light is put on all time. As the light on  chickens will think of it to be sunlight, and lay more eggs because they receive the required amount of "sunlight". Major egg factories use light bulbs to provide "sunlight" to their chickens and maximize their egg production.

Another factor that may affect egg laying is chicken diet. Chickens need a higher protein diet during cold weather , this make them stay warm. Feeding them scratch every other morning helps them to stay warmer and gives them more protein. I suggest you feed them some scratch every other day. So far, his advice has proven to be beneficial. 
To get your chickens wanting to eat their food, try mixing in some warm milk or water in with their food. Also be sure to keep their water liquid, not ice. Since an egg consists of mainly water, they need to drink plenty of water in order to lay an egg. However, if ducks are present in the chicken house, a barrel or trough with a barrier around it that is tall enough for your birds to get plenty of water.
Don't forget that you layer hen need sunlight to lay more egg, you can use   electric bulb during cold weather to make the warn and also to serve as source of sunlight for them, don't also forget to add more protein to their feeds during cold weather.


Where did we get life ? From time immemorial, people have been asking : why was I born? Why did God make me ? Why am I here ? What is the purpose of life ? What is the meaning of life ? What is life itself? The answer of course is from our parents. Where did they get it ? From their parents. Inevitathep one goes back to Eden and the creation of man (Genesis 27), It is easy to see that all life comes from God( 1John 5:11-20). No wonder Jesus said , I am the life".

Various people have also gives various answers. Some says, "Life is the union of soul and body". This may be true of humans, but not of paints. Some say it is the period between birth and death. But life exists  before birth and after death. The Bible speaks of three kinds of life: Physical life, which was given to man at the time of creation; Spiritual life, winch is the new life that God gives to the believer in Jesus Christ ( Ephesians 2:1); Eternal life, which is the nature of life Lord God Himself.

Life is a moment of time to prepare for the long, long, eternity. In this brief, fleeting time called life, we are to accomplish our divinely appeared assignments. We also have to answer one question " Where do I wish to spend eternity? Is it forever in the Heaven or with the Satan in the burning hell ? The purpose of life is to let you personally choice the abiding place of your soul. Have you made the choice yet ?


1. Life is like a journey (Genesis 47:3). We are travelling on this journey whether we like it or not. Birth is an automatic start. To some , it is long journey but to some, it is short whether is short or long, provided it ends . Before the flood that destroyed the first world ,the length of life of man as an average of 846 years ( Genesis 5), after the flood, the life span was reduced to 383 years ( Genesis 11). At the time of moses, there was a in comparison.
2. Life is like a flower. First we see the blade, the the leave and afterwards the beautiful but. Slowly, it open and we gasp at its beauty. Then it wither and is gone , gone so soon, so quickly.
3. Life is like a shadow.  A shadow is poor imitation of the real thing. Similarly, our physical life is a very poor imitation of eternal life just as seventy years is a poor imitation of eternity.
4. Lastly, Life is like a dream. Most dreams last at most a few minutes and soon after waking up, most dreams are forgotten. Similarly, some people live and are forgotten as soon as they die.
Remember, Life is like a dream .


Conflict in the family may arise from misunderstanding among members of the family. A family is defined as a group of people related by blood , marriage, law or custom. And conflict can be defined as strong disagreement between two people or groups, which may result to angry argument.

1. incompatibility
2. Unresolved disagreement
3. Lack of trust
4. Lack of genuine love
5. Financial challenges
6.  Unforgiveness.
7. Communication gap
8. Unfaithfulness.

Conflict management is the practice of being able to identity and handle conflicts sensibly, fairly, and efficiently, Conflict is inevitable. No relationship is perfect or conflict free, but when conflict is fairly and biblically it can serve as a catalyst for change and opportunity for a good family growth.
Ways of managing conflict withing the family are
1. Examine yourselves
2. Love each other and put God at the center of your family.
3. Revenge not yourself for wrong done against you.
4. Live life of humility
5. Maintained openness and sincerity with one another.
6. Communicate effectively and resolve all conflict as fast as possible.
7. Forgive one another.
8. And lastly take every matter to God in prayer.
Remember, conflict is inevitable. No relationship is perfect or conflict free,  however, every conflict should be resolved in the fear and love of God. Never let conflict stay for longtime.


Raising Baby Chicks can be very challenging but if you know how to go about it, it can be fun. Okay, so, you've found your perfect chicks, you've ordered them, and they're due to arrive tomorrow! Now what? How do you raise them properly? This article should help and answer some of your questions, while giving you a step-by-step tutorial on how to raise chicks

1. First Step to take immediately your chick arrived is Making and Preparing their house.  the chicks house is one of the most important keys to raising chicks successfully. It houses them, protects them, and restrains them, But, not just anything can be used as a brooder. A cardboard box is favored by many a chicken owner, but it is not recommended! Cardboard boxes are very absorbent, and, therefore, they absorb everything from poop, to water. In no time at all, you have to find a new box. This is not a fun thing to do. Good things to use as a brooder are Tupperware containers (without the lids!) and wooden shipping crates (these are actually excellent brooders, so if you can find one available, jump on the chance to get it! They can be used over and over again, as long as they are properly disinfected!). Step Two: Setting Up The Brooder Now, once you have the appropriate object to become the chicks' brooder, you must set it up. After all, you can't just toss the chicks in, and leave them with no food, water, bedding, or heat! That would be absurd! To set up the perfect brooder, you will need: Pine chips, or shredded newspaper. Paper towels work well too, but pine chips are most common.never use cedar chips, these are toxic to chickens, and if swallowed, they can cause death!) A watery can  and a feeder. (Good water-er-s and feeders, meant specially for chicks like yours, can be found in your local feed store.) A thermometer A heat lamp Patience: You will need some patience, as putting together a brooder takes some work (as well as a little extra cash ) When you have gathered your supplies, you can begin preparing/setting up/putting together your brooder. First, get the container. Then, shake your bedding into the container. (I know, you are not a moron, but this is a step-by-step tutorial. ) Next, take the water-er and and feeder and clean them thoroughly. New, or not, they must be cleaned before use! If your chicks are small, like bantams, or quail, you may want to put clean rocks, marbles, or whatever you have in that vicinity, in the bottom of the water-er. This will prevent drowning. Step Three: Introducing Your Chicks To Their New Home No doubt about it, once you are done preparing your brooder, you are going to want to put your chicks in. This can be done immediately after finishing the brooder, but it is not recommended. Chicks are very delicate little creatures, and it only takes a small mistake to make a big mess! It is advised that you prepare your brooder the day before your precious babies arrive. This will allow the bedding and the water to come to room temperature, and give the brooder some time to reach the proper temperature. Which reminds me: the proper brooder temperature for day old chicks is 91.4 degrees Fahrenheit, or 33 degrees Celsius. This is actually very important! It is also very important to lower the temperature by 33.8 degrees, or 1 degrees Celsius, every 2-3 days. When introducing your chicks to their brooder, well, this isn't some fancy-schmancy task, all you do is set them in it, but remember to dip their beaks in the water, and show them where the food is. Dipping their beaks in the water is not cruel, and it's not painful. Just hold the chick, and tip it downward, until it's beak reaches the water. Then, put it near (or in, as I find effective, place it in the food), and make sure to do this with all the chicks. Then, just sit back and watch. Step Four: Recognizing When The Brooder Needs To Be Cleaned, And How To Clean It Sniff-sniff... PU! The brooder smells awful! Chances are, after about 5 days (if that!) of having your chicks, you will begin to smell a smell. A smell that is horribly unpleasant! Your dear, sweet little angels, so innocent in their brooder, can sure make a horrible smell!  It's time to clean the brooder! Yes, this is a part of raising chickens: cleaning up after them. Unless of you have some amazing chicken, that somehow never poos. If you do, tell me your secret! But, alas, on to an unpleasant subject: brooder cleaning-how to! Here is the how-to on brooder cleaning: Remember that shipping box your chicks came in? Put all your chicks back in it! No, of course you're not sending them back to the hatchery! But, this box will keep them contained while you work. (Note: if your chicks are a lot bigger than they were when they arrived, then they will need a different box. Any cardboard box with air-holes will do!) Next, find some kind of scoop. Be it a QT cup, a small shovel, a trowel, a dogfood scoop, anything that will scoop something will work. Once you've found your scoop, you can begin scooping the bedding out. Have a trashcan, or a plastic bag, or something available to toss the dirty bedding into. Replace the bedding with fresh (remember, never use cedar!) This is a good time to refresh the water and (maybe) the food. Again, thoroughly clean the water-er, and (maybe) get fresh food for your chicks. Re-ad your chicks, and make sure their house is clean always. 


Praise is the joyful recounting of all that God has done for you. Christian often speak of praising God, and the Bible commands all living things to praise him always. Praise is closely intertwined with Thanksgiving as we offer back to God appreciation for his mercy and mighty works on our behalf. It is merely the truthful acknowledgedment of the righteous acts of another. Since God has done many wonderful things in our life, He is worthy of your praise. The book of Psalm is a collection of songs which is filled with praises to our maker (God), Among these book of Psalms which you can use to praise God are Psalm 9:2 and Psalm 18:3, Praise must also be given to God both for who God is and His faithfulness and his great power(Psalm 21:13), The word praise was use in Psalm 150 for thirteen times in six verses. Jesus also accepted praise as God, in the New Testament, there are examples of praise given to Jesus, this can be found in the book of Matthew 8:2, Matthew 21:16 and Matthew 28:17. Jesus accepted praise as God. Most of the early church often shared in times of praise, For example, the first church in Jerusalem included a focus on worshiping God. The church leaders at Antioch prayed, worship, and fasted during the time Paul and Barnabas were called into missionary work (Act 13:1-5). Many of the letter written by Paul were extended section of praise to the Lord. One Hebrew word for " praise " is yadah, which means "praise, give thanks, or confess". The often translated as " praise " in the Bible is Samar, zamar means " sing praise, all these two words, yadah and zamar contain the idea of giving thanks and honour to the one who is worthy of our praise, our Creator and our protector. Praising God is also a command from God. There are many instance in the Bible where the command to praise God are to numerous to mention. Angels and the heavenly hosts are commanded to praise the the lord this can be found in the book of Psalm 89:5, Psalm 103:20, Psalm 148:2. All the inhabitants of the world are instructed to always give thanks and praise the Lord. We can praise God with our singing, with our shouting, with our dancing steps and musical instruments. But, there are those times when God did not come through the way we thought He would. When it seem God is very far away, praise is the last thing to bubble up from our hearts. When we can not feel His goodness, and circumstances scream that He has forgotten us, all what you need in those time is praise. Even when life is not going as we think you should always praise God. God is still good and can be trusted. When we choose to praise God in spite of the storms we are passing through, He is honoured, and our faith grow deeper in Him. 


Addiction is a compulsive tendency developed over a period of continuous and repeated actions or exposures to a certain substance. It can result in loss of willpower and self- esteem, loss of or shift in focus, social and emotional disconnect , poverty, death, etc. According to the American Society of Addition Medicine, addiction leads to characteristic biological, psychological, social and spiritual manifestations.
There are many types of addiction but three will be discuss on this blog.

1. SUBSTANCE ADDICTION: drug abuse like taking of cocaine, opioids-heroine, amphetamines, benzodia-zepines, alcoholism, smoking etc.

This is addiction that is pertaining to mood altering behaviours, such as gambling, sexual activities like masturbation, sex, pornography, etc. Eating disorders, spending, shopping, watching television, etc.

3.POSITION ADDICTION:  this kind of addiction is an addiction associated with power , influence and affluence. Just as with every other type of addiction, the position addict enjoins his power, influence or affluence at the expense of others . Examples is King Saul in the bible ( 1Samuel 19:1;8-16 and King Hezekiah (Isaiah 39:1-8).

Now, how to overcome addictions. These are steps to do to overcome addiction.
1. Take a stand. You must first of all acknowledge that addiction is an affliction and you are already caught up in it web. Then , you must be willing to break free from its bondage while acknowledge that you cannot help yourself.

2. SEEK HELP. You must open up to people who can help you in breaking the evil habit and you must also put God and prayer in consideration. Make sure you surrender yourself for proper screening and therapies.

3. Make sure you keep the company of those who can encourage you in your journey total victory from addiction.

4. Keep your heart with all diligence and renew it daily. Addiction is really a battle of the mind.

5. You must avoid exposure to all forms of triggers.

6. Lastly, Avoid relapse. Relapse is to addiction what backsliding is to sin and its episode is usually worse than before  the treatment and spiritual deliverance.


When things are not going the way we expected, as human we do experience one bad thing or the others but at any use or disposition God chooses to make of any part of His creation, His sovereign regn. God is accountable only to Himself. He does things in His own way, He is not required at any time to give to any person any explanation for anything He does. He is the almighty above all powers in every area of His creation. We as human do not expect to understand fully the purpose for our trials until our Lord calls us home to be with Him. But we do know that He loves us too much and He care so much about us, and that He is far more concerned with our welfare than we are. God's choices are always right. He is capable of carrying out any project to a successful conclusion without the possibility of fault or failure. Nothing on earth happens by chance or accident. For every effect there is a cause. God "worketh all things after the counsel of His own will: That we should be to the praise of his glory" . It was Wednesday, the Eighteen years of marriage of Mr and Ma Bobby without a child, They have try all their possible best looking for blessing of the womb, the doctor have try all what they can do so that Mrs Bobby can conceived but no good news. I waited expectantly in the corridor outside Mr Bobby's room. When the doctor appeared his remarks were brief and pointed. The doctor say" We are making arrangements to position your wife for the next treatment. He hesitated. I detected a bit of concern in his delayed reply. I was right. His words came slowly. "There is nothing more that we can do medically for Mrs. Bobby." He placed his hand on my shoulder and patted it gently. "I'm sorry," he said, and he walked away. I took her hand in mine. Then I assured her that there was nothing to fear because God was in control. But did I really believe that God was in control? The mere thought of questioning the sovereignty of God scared me. But then, the government of the universe is a question with which most of us have grappled at some time. We Christians affirm our belief in the sovereignty of God, but our faith is challenged in times of natural upheaval, national disaster, or personal affliction. Pain and poverty, disease and death, sorrow and suffering all tend to cause us to think seriously about God as creator and controller of the world of which we are a part. It is not always easy to believe that God is in control. I tell Mr and Mrs Bobby to believe in God and employed to follow God way , two of them accepted and we agreed to let God take control, Mr and Mr Bobby give their life to Christ and they begin prayer and fasting, I also help them in praying together, we do night vigil in their house and also in my house. After strong prayer and fasting , Mr and Mrs Bobby surrender all to God and they let God take control of their childlessness. To God be the glory Mrs Bobby conceived after three months of fasting and prayer, it was a God doing and is marvelous in our eye. Can you imaging ? What they have been looking for good eight year looking for worldly solutions was solve within just three months of God control. No matter what you are been going for days , months and years if you believe and move closer to God, He will take control and you problems , sadness will turn to joy. He is God, and He knows what we want and what we needs, all He needed from you is your faithfulness and holiness, and believe that He is in Control. Whatever you are going through, He is there for you, stop looking for worldly help but put all your trust and hope in Him, whatever that is above human solution in your life, remember , God is in control and He only can do all things.


Despite friendship and relationship, a man cannot love without his mind. Men are designed to love with their mind. A man you yet to know h...