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Divorce is one of the major problems facings family today. Divorce is is granted in the court for many reasons  such as cruelty, desertion, adultery, neglect to provide, conviction crime, etc.


1. How long is a marriage contract ?
The answer is , marriage is suppose till death break.  in spiritual , God perform miracle when He make two individuals to become one person. This mean is only God that is permitted to break the union by taken one of the partner in death.
2. Why should people avoid divorce like a plague?
a) Divorce represents a tragedy that has undermined the home, the very basic of society .
b) Misery always follows in its path, broken homes, bruised and broken hearts, bewildered, homeless children, delinquent youth, loneliness, tears and at time suicide or insanity.
c) The couple should consider the welfare of their kids who would be mostly affected and the same connected with divorce and the scandal that it engenders.
d) Economic disaster often follows divorce and it is the cause of lack of happiness in marriage.


Let both of you (husband and wife) solemnly renew their vow " for better or for worse till death do us part". Let each of you get right with the Lord and then with one another. Confession and  repentance with mutual sharing would make any marriage a success.  You should both spent time in praying together as a couple. To the wife, let the husband be the actual head of the home and not merely figurehead. You wives should be subject to your husbands. Let husbands and wives continually woo each other because each needs a great deal of affection.
Their must be mutual respect for each other.
Both husband and wife must be able to Identity the negative counsel, which may ruin the marriage, because such counsel can ruin your marriage.
Lastly, never starves your partner sex. Issue of sex is important issue in a marriage, many marriage has collapse because of sex.
Never allow sex to be a factor in your marriage. Study your partner and know when he or she need sex, even when you are not in mood never reject sex.
If you are not enjoying he or she sex performance, pls let him or her know, you can both find solution and this will make your home stronger .
Never keep secret, remember you are ONE. Let your partner know all things
about you.
Lastly. Prayer is the key.


As a chicken owner or farmer, part of raising chickens is understanding how to recognize and treat some of chicken illnesses. Some of the common illnesses of chicken will be discussed and analyzed on this page.

1. Fowl Pox:

If you notice that your chickens begin to have white spots on their skin, scabby sores on their combs, white ulcers in their mouth or trachea, and their laying stops then you should grow concerned that your chickens are developing Fowl Pox. These are what to do when you discovered Fowl Pox in your chicken. There are treatment options for Fowl Pox. You can feed them soft food and give them a warm and dry place to try and recoup. With adequate care, there is a great chance that your birds can survive this illness. Go to nearby Vet store and get drug for fowl pox. If you would like to remove the odds of your birds even contracting this disease there is a vaccine available. If not, know that they can contact this disease from other contaminated chickens, mosquitos, and it is a virus so it can be contracted by air as well.

2. Fowl Cholera:

You should be suspicious of this disease if you see your birds begin to have a greenish or yellowish poo , when they are struggling to breathe, and have a darkened head or wattle. Fowl Cholera is a bacterial disease that can be contracted from wild animals or food and water that has been contaminated by this bacteria. But the downside to your chicken developing this disease is there is no real treatment. If by some chance your chicken survives, it will still always be a carrier of the disease. So it is usually better to put them down and destroy their carcass so it will not be passed. But there is a vaccine for your chickens to prevent the disease from ever taking hold.

3. Bronchitis

This disease hits close to home because it wiped out half of our flock when we were new to raising chickens. You’ll recognize this disease when you begin to hear your chickens sneezing, snoring, and coughing. And then the drainage will begin to secrete from their nose and eyes. When this illness comes the chicken laying will cease . But the good news is that is also a vaccine you can get to stop this disease.

4. Marek’s Disease

Marek disease is more common in younger chickens that are usually under the age of 20 weeks. So you will know that this disease has struck your baby chicks if you begin to see tumors growing inside or outside of your chick. Their iris will turn gray and they will no longer respond to light. And they will become paralyzed. Unfortunately, this disease is very easy for them to catch. It is a virus which means it is super easy to transmit from bird to bird. They actually obtain the virus by breathing in pieces of shed skin and feather from an infected chick. And sadly, if your chick gets this disease it needs to be put down. It will remain a carrier of the disease for life if it survives. There is also a vaccine for marek and it is usually given to day old chicks.

5. Air Sac Disease

Air Sac disease first appears in the form of poor laying skills and a weak chicken. As it progresses, you will notice coughing, sneezing, breathing problems, swollen joints, and possibly death. Now, there is a vaccine for this illness, and it can be treated with an antibiotic from the vet. But it can be picked up from other birds, it can be transferred from a hen that has it to her chick through the egg. So just keep an eye out for any of these symptoms so it can be treated quickly and effectively.

6. Newcastle Disease

Newcastle disease is one the most common disease in chicken, it also appears through the respiratory system. You will begin to see breathing problems, discharge from their nose, their eyes will begin to look murky, and their laying will stop. Also, it is common that the bird’s legs and wings will become paralyzed as well as their necks twisted. This disease is carried by other birds including wild birds. That is how it is usually contracted. But if you touch an infected bird you can pass it on from your clothes, shoes, and other items. The good news is that older birds usually will recover and they are not carriers afterward. But most baby birds will die from the disease. There is also a vaccine for the disease .

7. Mush chicks

This disease obviously will impact chicks. It usually shows up in newly hatched chicks that have a midsection that is enlarged, inflamed, and blue tinted. The chick will have an unpleasant scent and will appear to be drowsy. Naturally, the chick will also be weak. So this disease doesn’t have a vaccine. It usually is transmitted from chick to chick or from a dirty surface where an infected chick was. And usually, it is contracted from an unclean area where a chick with a weak immune system contracts the bacteria. There is no vaccine for this disease, although sometimes antibiotics will work. But usually, when you come in contact with this disease you will need to immediately separate your healthy chicks from the sick ones.

8. Avian Influenza

Avian Influenza is most commonly known as the bird flu. It was one of my initial fears of owning chickens because all you hear about on the news is how people get sick with bird flu from their chickens. However, after knowing the symptoms you’ll be able to put that fear to rest. You need to know how to act quickly if you are afraid your backyard birds have come in contact with it. So the signs you will notice will include respiratory troubles. Your chickens will quit laying. They will probably develop diarrhea. You may notice swelling in your chicken’s face and that their comb and wattle are discolored or have turned blue. And they may even develop dark red spots on their legs and combs. Unfortunately, there is no vaccine and the chickens infected will always be carriers. When treating this disease please use great caution because this disease can be transfer to humans .

9. Bumble foot

This is a disease that you’ll know exactly what you’re looking at when you see it. It begins by your chicken accidentally cutting its foot on something. It can happen when they are digging in the garden, scratching around in mulch, and so many other ways. But then the cut gets infected. And the chicken’s foot will begin to swell. It can even swell up the leg. So you can treat it by performing surgery , the infection will eventually take over the chicken and claim its life. Obviously, bumblefoot can happen very easily and there isn’t much you can do to prevent besides just keep a close eye on your chickens’ feet. If you notice they have a cut then be sure to wash and disinfect it. These are the most Commons chicken diseases that you should know as a chicken owner and as a farmer. If you also has any other diseases that not mentioned here please share. Thanks.


Basically, child abuse can be physically, sexually or emotional.
According to the Merriam Webster's dictionary, "a child is a young person especially between infantry and youth". Child abuse is any maltreatment of a child which causes him or her harm. These actions can also take the form of child neglect or failure to protect a child from danger , especially by a parent or other care giver.

Child abuse can be classified in three categories, they are :

1. EMOTIONAL / PSYCHOLOGICAL ABUSE: This kind of abuse includes teasing, bullying, threatening, verbal abuse, e.g. such as cursing, belittling, constantly finding faults, etc.

2.PHYSICAL ABUSE: This can be excessive beating of a child especially one that leaves him or her with marks, child labour and throwing objects, neglecting to give the child basic necessities of life, such as clothing, shelter, food , health care, education and also uses of drugs or other substances that will cause the child distrees.

3.SEXUAL ABUSE: This is when any person engages a child in any sexual activity, such as fondling a child's sexual organs, engaging a child in any immoral activities, such as pornography, rape and defilement of a child.

1. It is not every wring that should be met with capital punishment. (All parents should note this).
2. Early education, identification and intervention.
3. Break the silence and report any abuse, ( this is for both children and parents).
4. Lastly, train your child in a godly way.
Remember, child abuse is a menace that we must all join hand and death with holistically in the fear of law and God.
Remember, Children are precious gift of God, and they must be well taken care of. Never allowed your child to be abuse .


Poultry farming is profitable and it can also be a disaster, if health of the chicken are not well cater for. As a poultry poultry farmer, I will discussed ways and method to make your poultry birds healthy ang grow fast.
To examine your birds, you should be using a systematic approach: these systematic approach are :

1.  Observe the eyes, and check for any discharge or cloudiness that may indicate illness. The eyes of a healthy adult bird should be clear and bright and have a copper-red iris and a round pupil with well-defined margins. Young chicks generally have a blue-gray iris. The eyelids should be free of swelling and opened wide.

2) Check external nares for discharge, crusts, and scratches. The beak should be smooth and free of cracks, and the tips should come to a point.

3. Open the chicken mouth and check for ulcers and mucosal lesions on the tongue and mucosal membranes at the commissures of the beak.

4. Check the color of the earlobes to predict the color of the eggs the hens will produce. Hens that have white earlobes generally produce white eggs, and hens that have red earlobes generally produce brown or other pigmented eggs. 6) Evaluate the feathers to check for feather loss and how they are distributed. Loss of feathers around the back and back of the neck may indicate mating behavior by roosters. Check feathers at the base of the feather shaft to look for parasites such as lice, mites, and nits (lice egg packets). Feathers around the vent should be clear and free of blood or feces. Pasting of the vent with loose feces may indicate enteric disease. Check for scabs and blood around the vent, which are evidence of vent pecking and cannibalism.

5. The two small bones at the sides of the vent are the pubic bones. They should be flexible and have space in between. If hens are in lay, this distance should be the width of three or four fingers. When the hen is not laying, the pubic bones are usually stiff and close together (distance between is one finger width or less).

6.Check the legs and feet. The scales should be smooth and closely adhered to each other. If scales are raised and crusty, there may be a scaly leg mite infestation. Check the footpads for scratches, swellings, or ulcers caused by footpad dermatitis or pododermatitis (bumblefoot
Make sure you examine your chicken everyday, and if any developed these above signs, please isolate the chicken and start treatment immediately. Never allow these illnesses to stay long in your chicken.
Remember, healthy chicken will lay healthy eggs and they will also produced healthy meat, and when your  chicken are healthy, you make huge profit from it.


Egg production is one of the most profitable aspect of poultry farming, and higher egg production is the prayer of all poultry farmer.
As the cold weather months roll in, daytime and egg production decreases. In addition to the daylight decrease, other factors may affect your chickens' egg production.
You may ask yourself, "What is it about the daylight difference and this time of year that slows egg production?" or "How can I increase my chickens' egg production?" The solutions are relatively easy and has boosted chickens egg production by a large margin. Chickens require 14 hours of sunlight to lay one egg. Once fall and winter arrive, 14 hours of sunlight is uncertain. Because of this you can help your chickens to think that sunlight lasts longer by placing a light bulb in there house or net and you must make sure the light is put on all time. As the light on  chickens will think of it to be sunlight, and lay more eggs because they receive the required amount of "sunlight". Major egg factories use light bulbs to provide "sunlight" to their chickens and maximize their egg production.

Another factor that may affect egg laying is chicken diet. Chickens need a higher protein diet during cold weather , this make them stay warm. Feeding them scratch every other morning helps them to stay warmer and gives them more protein. I suggest you feed them some scratch every other day. So far, his advice has proven to be beneficial. 
To get your chickens wanting to eat their food, try mixing in some warm milk or water in with their food. Also be sure to keep their water liquid, not ice. Since an egg consists of mainly water, they need to drink plenty of water in order to lay an egg. However, if ducks are present in the chicken house, a barrel or trough with a barrier around it that is tall enough for your birds to get plenty of water.
Don't forget that you layer hen need sunlight to lay more egg, you can use   electric bulb during cold weather to make the warn and also to serve as source of sunlight for them, don't also forget to add more protein to their feeds during cold weather.


Where did we get life ? From time immemorial, people have been asking : why was I born? Why did God make me ? Why am I here ? What is the purpose of life ? What is the meaning of life ? What is life itself? The answer of course is from our parents. Where did they get it ? From their parents. Inevitathep one goes back to Eden and the creation of man (Genesis 27), It is easy to see that all life comes from God( 1John 5:11-20). No wonder Jesus said , I am the life".

Various people have also gives various answers. Some says, "Life is the union of soul and body". This may be true of humans, but not of paints. Some say it is the period between birth and death. But life exists  before birth and after death. The Bible speaks of three kinds of life: Physical life, which was given to man at the time of creation; Spiritual life, winch is the new life that God gives to the believer in Jesus Christ ( Ephesians 2:1); Eternal life, which is the nature of life Lord God Himself.

Life is a moment of time to prepare for the long, long, eternity. In this brief, fleeting time called life, we are to accomplish our divinely appeared assignments. We also have to answer one question " Where do I wish to spend eternity? Is it forever in the Heaven or with the Satan in the burning hell ? The purpose of life is to let you personally choice the abiding place of your soul. Have you made the choice yet ?


1. Life is like a journey (Genesis 47:3). We are travelling on this journey whether we like it or not. Birth is an automatic start. To some , it is long journey but to some, it is short whether is short or long, provided it ends . Before the flood that destroyed the first world ,the length of life of man as an average of 846 years ( Genesis 5), after the flood, the life span was reduced to 383 years ( Genesis 11). At the time of moses, there was a in comparison.
2. Life is like a flower. First we see the blade, the the leave and afterwards the beautiful but. Slowly, it open and we gasp at its beauty. Then it wither and is gone , gone so soon, so quickly.
3. Life is like a shadow.  A shadow is poor imitation of the real thing. Similarly, our physical life is a very poor imitation of eternal life just as seventy years is a poor imitation of eternity.
4. Lastly, Life is like a dream. Most dreams last at most a few minutes and soon after waking up, most dreams are forgotten. Similarly, some people live and are forgotten as soon as they die.
Remember, Life is like a dream .


Conflict in the family may arise from misunderstanding among members of the family. A family is defined as a group of people related by blood , marriage, law or custom. And conflict can be defined as strong disagreement between two people or groups, which may result to angry argument.

1. incompatibility
2. Unresolved disagreement
3. Lack of trust
4. Lack of genuine love
5. Financial challenges
6.  Unforgiveness.
7. Communication gap
8. Unfaithfulness.

Conflict management is the practice of being able to identity and handle conflicts sensibly, fairly, and efficiently, Conflict is inevitable. No relationship is perfect or conflict free, but when conflict is fairly and biblically it can serve as a catalyst for change and opportunity for a good family growth.
Ways of managing conflict withing the family are
1. Examine yourselves
2. Love each other and put God at the center of your family.
3. Revenge not yourself for wrong done against you.
4. Live life of humility
5. Maintained openness and sincerity with one another.
6. Communicate effectively and resolve all conflict as fast as possible.
7. Forgive one another.
8. And lastly take every matter to God in prayer.
Remember, conflict is inevitable. No relationship is perfect or conflict free,  however, every conflict should be resolved in the fear and love of God. Never let conflict stay for longtime.


Despite friendship and relationship, a man cannot love without his mind. Men are designed to love with their mind. A man you yet to know h...