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To the couple planning to get married, courtship should be handle carefully.
There are seasons and time for every other facet of human endeavour, doing the right thing at the right time, in marital issues, is crucial to success. Many people have entered the institution of marriage at the wrong time and for the wrong reasons.You should be different and get it right from the onset. When you should married ?, What make a happy marriage? These questions will be addressed in this post.


1. Wait for a measure of financial stability, Not wealth as such bit at least some security.
2. Never marry a woman or a man with the hope of reforming or transforming him or her. Instead of reforming they may drag you to  what may affect your life, wait until any moral problems are settled, I mean when you see him or her changed .
3. Do not rush into marriage even when you lover him or her dearly. It is always advisable to know your partner sufficiently well to know his or her dislikes.
4. Wait until you are old enough to marry. Marriage is for adult and not for children because it carries heavy responsibility , it required maturity and experience.
5. Wait for strong health, marriage requires strong bodies. If  your partner is unwell to satisfy your sexual needs, it can lead to problems in the marriage.
6. Lastly, let God guide you into marriage after much prayer and seeking His will .


  This is to couple planning to get married, courtship should be handled carefully. It is a time of getting better acquainted and ascertaining whether or not they are prepared for marriage. It is very important to note that they must not take liberties one with another at this time, for they are not yet married. Avoid petting and caressing lest passion override reason and you ruin everything. Keep yourself pure or you may discover how easily love can turn to hate. Any mistake made during courtship can stamp a regrettable mark on the marriage, if it eventually holds.
  A happy and successful marriage is based on genuine heart agreement of the couple. They must be willing established a good home. They must not defraud one another, rather they should render full benevolence to each other. Genuine love is essential to a happy marriage.
Remember, Marriage is not an experiment for a short time. It is permanent. It must be based on lifetime anticipation.


Taking good care of chicken is most important in poultry farming, there are some things you do if Your Chickens get sick.
Most chicken illnesses are curable if they are detected in time! If you suspect one of your chickens may be sick, take the precautionary measure of isolating it from the rest of the flock. This will help prevent illness from spreading. (And of course, make sure the isolated chicken has access to food, water and treatment.

Second, make an appointment with your veterinarian right away. You need to find one that specializes in Avian medicine or farm animals, and we recommend that you find the nearest one prior to help you to know what wrong with your chicken.This site has great tips for keeping you and your birds healthy. .

The following symptoms indicate illness in you chicken.

Mangy appearance
Visible mites
Abnormal stool, including blood in the stool, visible worms, diarrhea, droppings that are all white. (Normal stool is brown with a white cap.)
Loss of energy or depression
Sudden, drastic reduction in position in pecking order
Loss of appetite
Stunted growth, these are sign that your chicken is sick.
Immediately you notice these sign in your chicken, please give your chicken the right treatment immediately, if you can do it youself please consult your veterinarian immediately.


If you are thinking of raising chicken in your backyard, these tips will help you and put you through on how you can go about it.
Why free range chicken farming over traditional chicken farming?
There are several reasons why people go for free range chicken farming these days.

1. High-quality meat food

Free range chickens give you an unlimited quantity of high-grade meat. Since these chickens are raised in a natural environment and not fed unwanted chemicals, the eggs laid by them are rich in nutrition, and their meat is also very healthy.

2. Les s space requirement

Since backyard chickens wander in the open during most of the day, they do not require large spaces . An individual living in an apartment can also purchase small chicken coop and raise free-range chickens. All you need to do is take them out in the open for food and water.

3. Low  cost maintenance.
Backyard chickens depend on natural vegetation for food and hence their maintenance cost is very low. No chemicals or chicken feed is required to raise them, resulting in limited spending and cost.

4. Reduced spreads of diseases

Since the chickens are not caged together or held in a coop, there are minimal chances of them getting a transmitted disease.


If you are planning to go raise free range chicken farming , here are some helpful tips for you:

1. Make sure you buy high-quality chickens from a certified dealer or farm.

The first and the most important step in free-range poultry farming is purchasing chickens from a certified dealer. Carefully examine the breed you want to raise and ensure that it is free of any disease.

2. Take good care of the chickens until they are mature

Keep the chicks inside a brooder till they have reached a growth period where they are ready to be brought out into the open.

3. Build a fence around their roaming area

Design a fenced area where the chickens may wander freely. Ensure that you keep it reasonably high to prevent the entrance of domestic hunters like cats. It does not have to be big space, but make sure that it is sufficient for the numbers of chicks that you are raising.

4. Built a coop on the fenced area

Remember to build a coop in the fenced-in area for basic shelter for the chickens. During the rainy climate, the chickens may be forced to house themselves to stay warm. Also, always keep some feed in the coop even if the birds are being motivated to gather food on their own.

5 Keep them safe from chicken predators

Assess the area thoroughly before your chickens set out on their journey out in the open. Ensure that the area is free from native predators like cats and dogs


Envy and jealousy are works of the flesh. They are traits of the modern day ways of life which need to be completely dealt with .
Envy comes from the Latin word:, "in video" meaning to are against or look ill mind. Jealousy involves suspicions fear or apprehension. While envy denotes a longing to possess something awarded to or achieved by another, jealousy denotes a feeling or resentment that another has gained something one may desire.

1. It can degenerate to gang up against person.
2. It could lead to anger and self destruction .
3. It could create an avenue of separation from other and from God.
4. It manifests the deceitfulness of sin and human immortality apart from the intervention of God's redeeming grace.
5. It could tear relationship apart.
6.It could also bring about personal harm or weaken one's physical, spiritual and emotional well-being.
7. Lastly, envy and jealousy can deny one from inheriting the kingdom of God. (Galatians 5:19-21).

1. You must avoid the company of the ungodly people.
2. Be content with what you have.
3. Make the word of God your guide and the grace of God your support.
4. Deal with the thought of envy or jealousy and do not allow it have foothold in your mind.
5. Lastly, love your neighbour as your self.
Remember, envy and jealousy are work of the flesh. They are bad traits which need to be completely dealt with in our society.


As a poultry farmer, Caring for  chickens is pretty easy if you know what to do at right time. Chicken have the same needs as most any other animal. In this article we'll tell you what you should do daily to make your poultry birds healthy and strong, as well as other nuances of chicken husbandry.


1. Keep feeders and waterers full.
Make sure the waterer is clean. Chickens will be less inclined to drink dirty water, and a dehydrated bird can very quickly become ill or die.
Check to make sure they all look active, bright and healthy. Make an appointment with your vet if they don't.
Collect and refrigerate eggs, pointy side down for maximum freshness.
If you've opened the coop door to let your chickens out, always be sure to close and secure it at dusk (once they've all returned!) to make sure predators can't get in. (Tip: if you have a cell phone that allows you to set a recurring alarm, try that as a reminder.)
Keep in mind that you CAN leave your chickens alone for a few days provided they have enough food, water and space for the duration of your trip. The eggs they'll have laid in your absence should still be good to eat. Fresh eggs keep for several days without refrigeration. Surprised? Consider this: hens lay an average of 10-12 eggs per "clutch" (the group of eggs that a hen sits on to incubate). They lay one egg per day and at the end of a 10-12 day laying period they roll all the eggs together to incubate them. That means the egg laid on day 1 is still good enough on day 12 to become a living, breathing baby chick - so it should be good enough for you to eat too!

2. Egg Tip: Your eggs may have some slight traces of dirt or chicken feces on them. Resist the urge to scrub them clean! Outside the egg is a delicate membrane called the "bloom" that wards off bacteria and other foreign matter. Scrubbing will damage this membrane. If you're one of those Type A people that needs perfect-looking eggs, rub them with your fingers very gently under warm water. Then, wash your hands thoroughly

3. Make sure you clean the coop at when due. if your chicken lives in a dirty  environment, this can attract germs and this can cause illness to your birds. Always make your chicken house clean. The will help in preventing diseases and germs.

4. Study your birds everyday, this will help you to detect sick birds . when you discover any sick bird among your chicken, quickly take it out from the flocks and isolate such bird, so as not to infects others. Treat the sick chicken for day and monitor it health ontill such bird is fully recovered.

5. Give your Chicken right feed. Poultry feed is one of the most important aspect of poultry business, your chicken need right feed to grow fast and healthy, you must look for right composition of poultry feed ingredients, your chicken need protein, calcium, Viber, and energy to be healthy and strong. When next you are looking for chicken feeds make sure all these are present in your chicken feed.


The truths about Jesus are so foundational and crucial that almost every spiritual information or revelation revolves around it.
The name JESUS, is the Greek form of Hebrew word JEHOSHUAH OR JOSHUA. It signifies " Saviour ", or "Jehovah save'. No one ever bore this name with so much justice, nor so perfectly fulfilled the significant of the name, as Jesus Christ, who saves from sin and hell, and has married Heaven for us by the price of his blood. It was given to Him by divine appointment, as the proper name for the saviour so long desired. The name CHRIST, meaning the Anointed One", The Messiah", was His official name. As a Christian , we must all know some foundation truths about Jesus and the honour attached to His name.

The fact that Jesus humble Himself and submitted Himself to shameful death on the Cross earned Him an exalted name , the name which is above all other names. At the mention of Jesus , demons, sicknesses, diseases , situations or bad circumstances bow. All requests directed to God in His Name (JESUS) are honoured by Him and He gives answers according to His will. The name is the surest foundation upon which other spiritual structures are built. This is the only wonderful name mentioned amongst men bringing about salvation. It is otherwise known as Emmanuel, Wonderful, Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, the mighty God. The name JESUS , spell absolute and total freedom indeed.

Jesu is the son of God whose mysterious birth was announced by an angel. He is a clear demonstration of divine favour as bestowed upon virgin Mary , His mother , and the entire household as well. He is God revealed in the flesh. Through Jesus all things were created, whether visible or invisible ( Hebrews 1:2, Colossians 1:16-18). His earthly ministry was noted for miracles, signs and winders, as well as a life of holiness, integrity and power.
He became our substitution for sins, we who were hitherto condemned to death by the law. He bore all the penalties including death on the shamefully cross of Calvary for the sins of mankind. He then rose from the dead on the third day and then returned to Heaven to prepare a place for those who believe in Him .
Those who know God by his name are not only strong but also full of great works including the divine ability to resist every temptation of the devil.


Rodent are enemy of poultry farm, if care is not taken they can kill birds. Rats and mice in our chickens coops have to be one of the nastier aspects for raising backyard chickens. But I’m here to tell you that it can be prevented! Rodents in a coop do a lot more damage than just eating your feed. Rats have been known to chew on tail feathers, crack and eat eggs, and even eat little baby chicks! They also spread filth and carry parasites and diseases that can be transmitted to your flock.

There some simple tips to keep your chickens in a rodent free coop

1. Deny the access
The first thing you need to do is prevent the rats from getting into to your coop, Install 1/4 or 1/2 inch hardware cloth around the coop. You’ll want to attach to coop and bury as a perimeter about 10 – 12 inches underground. This will keep digging rodents from tunneling into the coop. Next take that same hardware cloth and use it as cover for all the coop windows and other openings to prevent them from sneaking in that way into the coop.

2. Natural Repellents

Rats and co detest mint – a little planted around your coop can be a great deterrent. I’ve also heard of people using essential oils for this job but I think that would be a much more costly way to prevent them

3. Get a killer on the job

People have been keeping barn cats since there were barns. But a good ratter dog can be helpful too. My Australian Shepherd caught a few in our early years of keeping a backyard flock. My cat was more of a Garfield; he wouldn’t have chased a mouse or a rat for anything. Also to note even if you have a cat for rodent patrol, you’ll need to feed and water him – they are not care free.

4. Don’t feed them.

The rodents are looking for easy meals. Don’t leave food out over night. Make sure the coop is no dirty with leftover chicken feeds, because this will always attract rodents.


Despite friendship and relationship, a man cannot love without his mind. Men are designed to love with their mind. A man you yet to know h...