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Healthy and happy chicken is the joy of every poultry farmer, healthy chicken brings more profit and rest of mind,  this article will tell you on how you can make your chicken healthy and happy

Here are some ways to keep your chickens healthy and happy.

1.Cleaned  coop and environment

Cleaning the coop is very important for keeping happy, healthy chickens. If you don't clean the coop you risk an infestation of lice, mites, and other parasites. Cleaning your coop isn't always easy but it sure is worth it. Start by getting all the bedding from the floor of the coop and the nesting boxes and dumping it. If any eggs have cracked then make sure to clean up that mess too. Then if needed you can scrub any really soiled spots with some soap and water. Dry it then put some fresh shavings in. Don't Use Cedar. It is toxic. (I use pine shavings) Also if you want to you can use a Garden and Poultry Dust to dust the coop and it keeps out parasites. My chickens sometimes perch in the nesting boxes and poop in them instead of laying eggs in them. Clean out the poop in the nesting boxes everyday or when needed. If your chickens (like mine) perch on top of the coop during the day, there will be a lot of poop up there. Scrape it off.

2.Cleaning Feeders and Waterers

Cleaning these out around every two weeks is a good idea. If you have a plastic waterer it gets pretty slimy so you will need to scrub that with some soap and water. If you want to put some Apple Cider Vinegar in the water, but only in plastic waterers not in metal. If there is any poop in the water dump it out and give them some fresh water. Make sure your chickens have fresh clean water at all times. The feeders aren't very dirty unless they have been pooped on or have gotten dirt or something in them. Clean the with soap and water. And make sure you rinse them well.

3. Keeping their Feed Clean

Make sure that you store your feed in places were bugs, mice, and rats wont get into. Plastic containers or metal trash cans work fine. Always make sure that the tops are closed and make sure that the feed inside cant get wet and turn moldy. Make sure there is no poop in the feed (like mice and rat poop).

4.deworming Your Chickens

If you want to deworm your chickens then deworm them if you see any worms in there poop or if your chickens have been around other poultry that has them. There are a lot of different wormers, and you can easily find them in your local store like Tractor Supply or Southern States.

5. Allow your chicken space to move freely

This is a great way for your chickens to get some nutrition by eating fresh bugs and grass. Also getting out in the fresh air is good for them instead up being cooped up in a run. If you cant free range your chickens then instead you could move there pen to a fresh patch of grass (if you have a movable coop) you could also buy a pen and use that for them. They love being able to go run around in a new place.

6. Always protect them from predators
Predators are those animals that can kill or injured your chicken, so you must make sure your chickens are free and save from them to avoid death and injuries. These predators includes rat, snake and others.

These are just a few of the things to keep your flock healthy. There are a lot of ways to help your flock stay happy and healthy but these are the basics. I'm sure you can find other ways too. Reading a searching for ways to keep your flock healthy is a good idea if you want to make sure they get the care they needed and some times you come across something very helpful you didn't expect.

Thank you for checking out this page. If you have any comments or questions feel free to ask me.


Many farmer have encounter this loosing of feathers, call molting, many farmer we ask why is my Chicken Loosing Feathers?

You may wonder why your chicken’s feathers are falling out or why it has bald spots. Don't worry this is a natural cycle that chickens will go through called molting.

When a chicken is molting, it sheds its old warn out feathers and replaces them with new shiny, clean ones. Both hens and roosters will molt.

Reason why Chickens Molt?

Many chickens will molt when there is less hours of day light, their laying cycle has finished, or stressed induced. Molting also gives a chicken’s reproductive system time to rest. This process can be very stressful for chickens so keeping them happy and healthy is very important during this time. Getting new feathers also helps to keep chickens warm in the winter. After molting their hardier and more resistant to disease.

When Will your chicken Molt?

Small Chicks are covered with down so they don’t have any feathers when they hatch. Chicks will have mini molts about four times, when they are 1-6 weeks old, 7-9 weeks old, 12-13 weeks old, and 20-22 weeks old. During the last molt, the tail feathers grow. Fully grown hens and roosters will molt once or twice a year in the spring or fall. This usually last 2-4 months but some chickens are very slow when molting and will take a long time. The hens that molt fast will only take a couple months. Molting usually depends on when a hen started laying. A chick that was hatched seasonally will start molting in March - April and finishes around July.

What are the Causes of Molting in chicken?

There are three main factors that cause molting are:
1 Exhaustion
2. Sickness,
3. When their laying cycle is completed, (that means they are done laying eggs for a while) and reduced lighting.

What to Expect During Molting

Feathers are 80-85% protein and eggs are around 13% protein so your hen has to make a choice to put protein toward molting or laying, there is not enough for both. Because of this, during molting, laying stops in hens and fertility drops or stops in roosters. While molting, chickens tend to look sick or lose weight. Be sure to keep an eye on your birds when they are molting because they lose weight in this process and could lose too much and become sick. When molting make sure you're doing everything you can to keep your bird healthy because their immune system isn’t at its best during this time. Your chickens comb might look very dull and very small when they are molting which is normal. Obviously expect a lot of feather loss. Chickens that are molting can be very moody and annoying.
During molting if your chickens have bare spots others might try to peck at the skin breaking it and causing it to bleed and attract more picking. If they have enough protein this shouldn't be a problem.

What to feed chicken during the Molt

Since feathers have a lot of protein in them, it’s important to give chickens back protein. Some people don’t feed their chickens anything new while their going through the molt while others do. Feeding a high amount of protein like 20% and up or a Game Bird feed is a great idea (because it has a high amount of protein). Feeding this along with regular feed is a good idea. I also give my hens wet cat food, boiled eggs, and meal worms during their molt for some extra protein.

The Process of molting

The feathers that are coming in will push the old ones out. Chickens will start to lose their head and primary wing feathers first then the feather loss works its way down the body. Your birds may have a hard molt or a soft molt. A hard molt is when the feathers drop out very quickly but don't come back for a while. A soft molt is when the feathers drop out and new ones come in soon after. The new feathers that come in are called pin feathers and look like this. Here are the pin feathers. These hold the new feathers until they break through. The hard covering will falls off when the new ones come in.
Molting is normal in chicken so don't panic whenever you notice loosing of feathers in your birds. ​


As a poultry  farmer, everyone has made mistakes at one point or another, some of them are harmless, while others can lead to your birds getting seriously injured, or even killed. Hopefully you can learn from some of these common mistakes, and prevent them from happening in your poultry.

1. Not noticing a sick bird in time

It is very important to observe your birds everyday so that you can quickly detect a sick or injured bird, you will notice it in time to to save them from death. Becoming accustomed to your birds normal behavior, and you should also observe them daily is a good idea. All your birds should be active and have nice bright
eyes, healthy red or pink combs, and their feathers should be clean, glossy and well preened.
(Keep in mind that there are exceptions to these last two while your birds are going through their annual molt).

Symptoms of ill birds include:
Moving slowly, and not interested in food or treats
Refusing to come out of the coop in the morning
Not eating or drinking
Huddling on the roost or floor during the day with closed eyes
Head pulled tightly in
Droopy wings and tail
Heavy or strained breathing
Decreased egg production
Acting lethargic
Ruffled feathers (Keep in mind that hens will sometimes ruffle their feathers when cold)
Pale or purple comb, and wattles
Cloudy, leaky, swollen, or watery eyes
Sneezing, wheezing, or coughing
Swollen legs or feet

When you have a sick or injured bird, it is best to separate it as soon as possible. Inspect the ill birds weight, vent, face, mouth, and nostrils and look it over for blood, scabs, and other signs
of injury..

2. Using toxic chemicals around the coop

You have a rat problem in the coop, and there are some annoying weeds growing in your birds run. Well the right thing to do would be bring out the rat poison, and herbicides ? Wrong! Most chemicals, pesticides, herbicides, and pest poisons, are deadly to your birds. It is best
to avoid using such items around your coop, run, or anywhere that your birds range. Even if you put out rat, or other rodent poisons were you are sure your birds will not get it, your birds may find and eat the dead or dyeing rat, in which case the birds may ingest the poison into your birds
If you spray weeds or grass around your coop. The chemicals can cause illness or death to your birds. It is best to use
such chemicals sparingly and with caution around your poultry.

3. Buying birds from a dishonest chicken breeders  or unknown sources

Buying birds from unknown sources is very risky for poultry  farmer,  The birds you bought  from unknown  source may have health issues or carry deceases that may not be apparent at first. Another reason not to buy birds from unknown sources is to avoid dishonest breeders. While there are a lot of very good breeders with very high quality birds, there are some that either are not knowledgeable about the birds they raise, or just plain deceptive.
When adding birds to your flock, it is a good idea to quarantine them for a little while before adding them to the rest of your the flock.

4, Overcrowding and overheating of chicks in their house.

Many people make the mistake of keeping chicks in a small brooder until they are well
feathered out. This is a mistake for many reasons, for one thing, chicks grow very fast, and will outgrow a small brooder (such as a plastic storage tote) very quickly. The general rule of thumb for how much space your chicks will need is a minimum of 1/2 a sq foot for the first week, 1 sq foot for the second week, and than increase that every week by 1 sq foot. (keep in mind that you can get away with slightly less space for bantams, quail, and other small birds,
and you will need slightly more than that for large birds such as turkeys and geese and broiler,   this does not mean that you have to give your birds a bigger brooder each week, but take in to consideration before you purchase your chicks, how much brooder space they will need as they grow.
Observing mother hens has convinced me that baby chicks do not need as much heat as we are often told. I have seen many a mother hen out scratching with her chicks on 20F and 30F degree mornings, and even one hen and her 2 week old chick out eating on a 5F degree morning! Don't get me wrong, chicks do need to be kept warm, but they don't need to roast under a heat lamp,
all the time. Chicks out with a mother hen, would go out and scratch for an hour or two, and than come and warm up before going out to eat and scratch again. As they get older, the time spent out eating and scratching will increase. Chicks that are kept in a heated brooder all the time
have far less tolerance to cold temps, and often are poor winter layers. When setting up or constructing your brooder, make sure that your baby's have a place where thecan get out from under the heat. Observe them closely and make sure they are comfortable. As long as
you are not getting temps 30F's or below, your chicks should be ready to leave the brooder by the time they are fully feathered out.

5, Keeping your birds in a dirty or poorly ventilated dark house. 

This is a common mistake. Keeping birds housed in dirty, poorly ventilated, and dark coops can lead to many health issues such as respiratory problems, mite/lice infestations, higher susceptibility to frost bite, decreased egg production, and a host of other health issues and Diceases. Make sure to keep your bedding clean, and change it often. Make sure your coop
is well ventilated with plenty of air flow. Light is also important. Don't keep your birds cooped up in a dark coop without natural light.

6, Good, clean bedding is a must.

Not predator proofing your coop
Your getting ready to build your coop. Chicken wire is the obvious thing to use right?
Unfortunately it probably is, but it is not the best thing to use. Predators can easily tear through it, and carry off your defenseless birds. While chicken wire is good for interior use, and on coops where predation is not an issue, it is not recommended for exterior use. Hard ware cloth (though more expensive) is much stronger and safer. Keep in mind while building your coop, that almost everything loves a good chicken dinner, so make sure your coop is  predator proof.

7, Not buying/building a big enough coop
Overcrowding can lead to stress, cannibalism, feather pecking, and other issues. Chickens need
a minimum of 4 sq feet each in the coop, and preferably 10 sq feet of run space. Remember this
is a bare minimum, it is best to (if possible) at least double that size. Remember, there is no
such thing as a coop that is too big. You may plan on getting 12 chickens at first, but you may
want to add a few more in the future, so instead of rebuilding a new coop when your flock expands, it's a good idea to build a bigger coop from the start.

8, Not picking the right breed

Poultry  birds are bred for many different purposes, such as meat, eggs, exhibition, etc. Before buying your chicken,  decide why you want chickens. Do you want them for production? Pets? Meat?
Decide carefully on what breeds you want. For example if you want pets, don't buy a breed known for being flighty. Keep climate in mind too, and pick a breed that does well where you live.
Handling your birds is also a good idea to get them accustomed to you
Be prepared At one point or another you may very well end up with a sick or injured bird. When this happens you don't want to be caught unprepared. This is why it is good to have a first aid kit on hand.

I believe this article helps you to have a better experience with your birds! If you have any questions, comments, or would like to add anything to this post,  please do so below


Before anything, you must know What is wry neck in chicken ?

Wry neck is one of the deadly chicken diesese and is a condition that is often referred to as “crook neck” and it typically affects ducklings and baby chicks, adult birds can also suffer from it if they are being fed an incorrect feed.
Chicken with this disorder cannot hold their heads up on their own and as it progressively gets worse, affected birds start to fall over or lie on their backs unable to walk freely on their own. This can be very distressing for owner and bird. They have no control and can so easily crash and bang into things causing more injury to themselves. I have suffered this my self with my favourite bird and I can certainly say from my own experience it's not pleasant and you often feel helpless as this is not a quick disease to cure. It usualy fatal simply because chicks, ducklings or affected adult birds simply cannot eat or drink any water which means they get dehydrated and if not helped to feed, birds suffering from the condition will starve to death.

Now, What are the causes of Wry neck? The condition can be caused by various things which includes the following:
1. A genetic disorder
2. An injury to the head
3. A vitamin deficiency
4. Ingesting toxins and
5. Botulism

There are some Breeds of chicken which prone to getting this condition Certain breeds are more prone to developing the condition through injuries they get to their heads. This includes both Polish and Silkies because their skulls don't offer the same amount of protection as found in other breeds and due to their head plumage, they are more likely to be pecked on their heads by other birds that live in the same environment. Polish and silkies have vaulted skulls and one peck on the right place can so easily cause this. It is advisable to separate any aggressive birds from a flock if you have either Silkies or Polish chickens running with other breeds. The other reason for bullying and pecking is when too many birds are kept together in the same environment. Over crowding can be a real issue so you have to make sure your birds have enough space to run around. Vitamin deficiency If birds are fed an incorrect diet and in particular one that is vitamin deficient and more especially if it does not contain enough Vitamin E, chickens can develop wry neck. No matter what the cause might be, it is very worth while upping the amount of Vitamin E your birds are receiving in their diet. However, you should not expect immediate results because any treatment will take a few weeks to take effect which is why it's important to start supplementing their feed as soon as possible.
A correct diet should be a good quality flock raiser/layer pellet that has all the nutritional requirements your flock needs. Treats should be limited to no more than 10% of their diet. To build up your flock's Vitamin B1 intake, it's good idea to add a little Brewer's Yeast, sunflower seeds, wheat germ or bran to their diets as all of these are very good, natural sources of the vitamin.

These are what to do to treat wry neck in chicken.

Whatever might has caused the condition, it's important to separate any bird with wry neck from the rest of the flock to avoid them being picked on or trampled. You would need to feed them and to make sure they are drinking enough water. One way of doing this is to soak some bread in fresh clean water before feeding it to the bird – like this you avoid them aspirating the liquid into their lungs which could prove fatal. Non iron Polyvisol for children is also reccomended to boost the chick or duckling during this stressful time, one drop twice per day. Once your bird is seperated keep it quiet to keep the stress levels down. During this difficult time you will need to be there very regular for your bird in order to feed and water him or her. Also don't leave open water in the area you have your bird. As they cannot control what they are doing they can easily become stuck and could possibly drown.

A shallow thin lipped watrerer worked well for the affected bird. Also this was the best way for him to drink as you can control the water and not worry about him drowning. Wry neck is not an easy, straightforward or quick disease to fix. But you have to be prepared for the long haul with any bird suffering from it.

Adding molasses to their diet is also beneficial because it is full of vitamins and valuable nutrients. It's also better to add a natural source of Vitamin E to their diet rather than just the vitamin alone. The reason being that to absorb Vitamin E, it's necessary to add selenium too so the vitamin E can work. Natural sources provide both which makes life a lot easier.

There are quite a few spices that are great sources of both Vitamin E and selenium which include:
Cayenne pepper
Cloves Cumin
Cinnamon Other very good and rich sources of Vitamin E can be found in: Alfalfa Dandelion Nettle Raspberry leaf Rose hips Spinach Sunflower seeds Pumpkin seeds Olive oil .

How to prevent wry neck in chicken ?

As with most things that are health related in any animal, prevention is always that much easier than cure and this applies to wry neck in poultry too. Diet is very important, so you need to make sure your flock is getting enough Vitamin E and B1 in their food. You may like to consider supplementing their diet with some great natural sources of these vitamins which not only ensures a healthier flock, but it also adds a lot of variety to their feed. Here are some supplements you can add to your flock to ensure enough vitamins given to your birds always. Making sure chickens are being fed a well balanced diet that contains all the right amounts of vitamins is very important because it reduces the chances of them suffering from wry neck and if you do notice any of your chicks or adult birds are developing the wry neck, the first thing you need to do is up the level of Vitamin E and B1 you are giving them in their diet. You also need to separate any bird with the condition from the rest of the flock to make sure they don't get bullied and so that you can hand feed them, making sure they are drinking enough water too.
Keeping them somewhere that's quiet also helps them to recover as when they are disturbed this causes more thrashing about from the affected bird. It is advisable not to breed from affected birds in case it is genetic. It could be passed to others.


Raising chicken chicks seems can be very difficult to the beginner. I can say that because I was a beginning homesteader only six and a half years ago! I’m here to tell you my journey through raising chicks and you can do it if you follow the informations on this blog.  Let’s get started.

The first question to ask yourself is , Where do I get my chicks?

You might not believe it, but you can order chicks in the mail! And in any other farm in your area, In my area, Obasanjo farm has chicks year round and Zarteck also have a local farm store that I’ve bought chicks from. I’ve never bought chicks from Tractor Supply but I’ll admit they seem to take better care of their chicks because they have less of them
I feel that some of the employees do not treat the little chick-a-dees well. What I suggest is going to your farm stores early in the morning while they’re opening to see how dedicated they are to cleaning the brooders and keeping the maintenance up for healthy animals.

My local farm store had great chicks and they’re very dedicated to the quality of life and products at their little store. They even have a rabbitry in the back, which is awesome in my opinion! I have to go ahead and tell you that the last two times I bought chicks, I ordered them online. We’ve also bought ducklings online. These are the two stores we’ve purchased baby animals from:

I’ve received healthy animals from both of the above businesses and The Chick Hatchery seems to even give you an extra chick! My friend thinks this is a “insurance policy”. The fact of the matter when other chicks are sometimes you lose one. Most companies will replace dead chicks, but be sure to check the policies before choosing who to use. Also, remember, if you have fertilized eggs you can just hatch your own!

What did you need in order to raise chicken chicks?

The Brooder: Your brooder can be very simple or not. When I started raising chicks I bought a large plastic storage container/Tupperware  and raised the chicks in our spare bedroom. Now we raise our chicks in a wooden brooder I built out in the hen house. The one thing you want to make sure of is that your chicks have enough room. I’m trying to nurse a chick back to health right now from being trampled. If your chicks don’t have enough room they’ll have to fight each other to get to where they’re going and your weaker chicks might die.

Lamp for heat: The heat lamp will be a special lamp you buy from a farm store or online. You’ll need a way to adjust the light closer or further from the chicks, and we’ll go over that in just a moment. I used to use a clear bulb and now I use a red bulb. Using a red bulb heats your area up a little warmer and reduces the risk of your chicks picking their feathers or if wounded, pecking at the open wound. Some even say the red bulb reduces the likelihood of restless chicks. I can’t speak to whether it’s true or not, from my experiences.
Water: You don’t want your waterer to be too ‘open’ because it’ll increase the likelihood of the chicks drowning in it. The first few times I raised chicks I put a few pebbles in the trough and I used this waterer. I’ve personally never had a chick drown, but that doesn’t mean it won’t happen. I now use a larger waterer, the same that I use with my adult chickens, and it works just fine. Again, if you’re worried, you can always add a few pebbles in the trough to avoid the chick from submerging its head inside.
A Spot for Food and Grit: In the link above for the waterer, it comes with a feed container also. I use the small, quart feeders and waterers when I have 10 chicks or less. I currently have 500 chicks in my brooder so the small containers aren’t enough. There are few different options for feeders. There’s the trough and the hanging feeder (doesn’t HAVE to hang).  I’ve used the trough and don’t like it very much. When the chicks are rather small, they get their heads stuck in the holes and once they’re a bit larger they can’t seem to get the feed at the bottom of the trough. The hanging feeder is perfect because it’s a slow feeder so I only have to fill it once every couple of days and the food is easily accessible. You’ll need grit if your chicks won’t’ be free-ranging, having access to small stones and what not to digest food. I don’t give my chicks grit, but I suggest reading about what grit is and if you need it for your specific situation!
Bedding: There are so many options for your bedding. Some people use shredded newspapers, puppy pads, or some other shredded paper. I use saw dust shavings because I feel they’re more absorbent, smell great, and there are different options for size. I use the fine shavings when they’re younger so it’s easier for them to walk on. You only need about an inch of bedding in my experience. Whatever you use, make sure it’s a safe material for your chickies and it’s easy for their growing legs to walk on. You want a material that promotes healthy and strong legs!
How to keep your chicks alive?
First, know that chicks are tougher than you may think. Unfortunately, I learned this the hard way. There’ve been a few times in the winter that I turned the heat lamp off outside when it definitely should’ve been on. The chicks survived when I expected them not to, but I definitely do not advise you to do what I’ve done. Raising chicks is fun, but mistakes are possible.

Your day old chicks need to have a spot in their brooder to go to if they’re cold. This spot will, of course, be underneath the heat lamp. For the first week, that spot should be 95º.
Every week, decrease the temperature by 5º. Around 6 weeks the chicks should have all their feathers and should be able to withstand temperatures of 70º. If you’re raising chicks in the deep of winter, I suggest keeping the heat lamp around if your brooder is big enough just in case. Your chicks can freeze to death but can also die of heat stroke.

I will make it a little simple with a tip! If the chicks are all trying to get away from the heat lamp then your brooder is too hot. If the chicks are all huddled together under the lamp, they’re not warm enough. You want your chicks evenly scattered throughout your brooder at night. In the daytime, they’ll rest a bit but should mostly be up and peeping and poking around the brooder checking it out. I turn the heat lamp off during the day and on at night, so they have the option to get under it in the night.

When your chicks are resting, They’ll be laying on their side and all sprawled out. When beginning, I’d say definitely check them and make sure they’re not actually dead but also checking them will familiarize you with the actions of your new baby chicken.

What to do when your chicks get sick:

I have many sick chick while raising chicks. The chick had bumble foot and he got over it. I separated them, which you should always immediately do if you believe you have a sick chicken. I mixed coconut oil in his food, fed them kale and carrot bits, and put apple cider vinegar (
ACV) in their water and after 2-3 weeks they were back to normal.

As a preventative, you can add a little ACV to your chicks water every time you fill it up, just be sure to not add too much! One thing I have had to deal with a few times is what we call “Pasty Butt” and it can be deadly. This is when your chicks vent (where the stools, and eventually eggs, come out) becomes clogged with hard poo. The poo sticks to the chicks ‘downy’ feathers and they have no way of getting the hard poop off. As you might have already realized but this prevents the chick from pooping.

Pasty butt is common in chicks that have been sent in the mail because they’re going through the stress of being shipped, getting a little hotter than they should, not having access to water, etc.

If you see that your chick has pasty butt, you need to act immediately. If you’ve ever been constipated you’ll know that it’s nothing to wish upon another being. Sorry for “TMI”!

This is how to treat pasty butt in chicks

Pick up the chicks with your hand over its wings so it can’t flap around and hurt itself. Gently turn the chick over and wet its pasty butt. Dip your Q-Tip in the coconut oil and dab it on the dried feces. NOTE: Be extremely careful while doing this. You don’t want to rip the dried poop from the little chicks booty because you can open a wound and hurt it. Slowly alternate from dipping the Q-Tip in water and oil of choice until the poop starts to soften. You can then start to slowly peel the poop off with the Q-Tip. Change the Q-Tip as often as possible and never, ever, ever penetrate the vent hole with your Q-Tip. This can severely harm the chick. Just a heads up, your chick is going to be really pissed off. The first time you do this won’t be pleasant for either party, but it must be done. Once you’ve successfully removed all the poop from the rear, smear some clean coconut oil on and around the vent (NOT IN!) and put the chick back in the brooder.

How to Prevent Pasty Butt:

Make sure you have a large enough brooder so that they can comfortably get under the lamp if too cool and away from the lamp if too warm.
Don’t feed finisher at a young age 0-10 weeks they should be fed “Starter” feed, 10 weeks you switch them to “Grower”, and around 12  weeks you can give them regular starter  feed till adult or market sales.

Now, go out and start raising chicks and have fun! It’s a wonderful experience and an amazing process to see these bitty animals going into adult hens and roos.
It will also be a such of income for you if you can do it in large number. Raising chicken chicks is fun and also profitable, you can try it today, good luck.


In this post I will Introduce you on how To raise Turkeys. If you are one of those people who are thinking of raising turkeys? And your answer is yes, then you have come to the right place. A lot of people have a challenge to start and usually go through a lot of mistake when raising turkey. There are 4 Important Considerations you must consider before You Invest In Turkeys Many people often ask how to raise turkeys. Raising turkeys has long been a practice by our ancestors. Turkey tending can be dated back to the time of Abraham Lincoln. The first thing to consider when learning how to raise turkeys is the kinds of turkey breeds.There are three major species of turkeys, These are the Broad Breasted White Turkey, the Wild turkey or local turkey and foreign turkey, depending on your location. The foreignTurkey and Local turkey is the most commercialized breed. The second thing to consider, is the size of the turkey cage. The pen should usually have a size of 10x10 feet. A pen with this size can house at around twelve to thirteen turkeys. But if you want to house more turkeys, you can add additional space in the form of a sun porch. A sun porch usually ranges from an additional 8x10 feet to 10x10 feet. With the additional space provided by the sun porch, you can now house at least 20 to 30 turkeys. After housing, you should now consider what should go inside the turkey pen. What is inside a turkey pen are a roster, water feeder, pellet feeder and litter area Turkey pens housing flying turkeys should really have a roster. During the first days of stay of your turkeys in the pen, cover the litter area first. The turkeys might confuse the litter area for the feeding area. They might end up eating up their own waste. As for the water area, place shiny colored marbles in the water to catch the attention of the turkeys. But do not fill the waterer to the brim. There have been cases that the turkeys drown in the waterer. As for the flooring, it would be better if it was just plain dirt. You can also place hay or straw if you like. It is also not advised to use cement as flooring because it is very hard on the feet of the turkeys. Another thing to consider, when learning how to raise turkeys, is the food and water you give to your turkeys. There are several types of feeds. These are prestarter feeds, starter feeds, grower feeds and finisher feeds. As their names suggests, these four types of feeds are based on the age of when to feed them to the turkey. Starter feed from day old to eight weeks, grower feed from 8 weeks to 10 weeks and Finisher from 10/weeks to adult or to the market. The quality of these feeds is important because they will affect the quality of the turkey meat. As for the water, always remember to never give cold water to your turkeys. Cold water is lethal to the turkeys. For drinking, it is better to give them lukewarm water. If you have extra budget, you can also dilute minerals and vitamins on their drinking water for added nutrients. When raising day old turkey you must remember that that turkey don't know how to eat on their own , because of this, whenever you are getting your turkey you must add chickens to them so that the turkeys can learn how to eat and drinks from the chicken. You must also buy vitamin drug, the vitamin must be given for the first 5 days, Antibiotic must also be given from.6 day to 11 day. If you followed all these tips, you are on your way to be a successful turkey farmer. Get you turkey today and try all mentioned tips.


  These are guide to Sick Chicken Symptoms and how to prevent it.

When we talk about chicken illnesses,  it’s good to know what a sick chicken looks like, so we can try to help our to make them feel better quickly. We are all uncertain at times, but there are certain criteria you can use to detect if your bird has sick chicken symptoms. First, let’s explore what a healthy chicken looks and acts like.

How Does the Chicken Look and Act?
A healthy chicken is a busy chicken. It is aware of what the other chickens are doing. The healthy chicken is pecking the ground, scratching the dirt, and chasing others away from a tasty morsel. When you first open the coop in the morning, the chickens should eagerly exit the building, raring to start a new day. They should be happy to see food added to the bowls or feeders and start eating. Any chickens who stay on the roost, or worse, are hiding in a dark corner should be immediately and gently checked over.

When you look at a healthy chicken it looks – healthy!  Feathers are glossy and in place, the comb and wattles are waxy looking and full of color, and the eyes are bright and clear.

Healthy Chickens are Communicating
Chickens talk to each other during the day and some chickens talk a lot! When you spend time with your chickens you will start to recognize certain sounds that are made repeatedly. While my chickens are free ranging, I am often doing cleaning chores around the barnyard. But, sometimes I hear a certain sound coming from my chickens and I just know it is an alarm of some sort. Whether they saw a predator, noticed a hawk in the sky, or were injured by another flock member, the sound is unmistakably alarming. It differs greatly from the regular clucking and squawking that they make. Another alarming sound is any respiratory sound. Coughing, heavy breathing sounds and raspy sounds are signs of serious illness and should be evaluated quickly. With the current wave of avian influenza sweeping the country, it would be good to familiarize yourself with avian influenza symptoms. Always isolate the bird with sick chicken symptoms and reduce the chances of any contagious disease spreading through the flock.

Healthy Chickens have Healthy Droppings
Some may feel this goes a bit too far but notice the chicken’s droppings. There are two basic types of droppings that are excreted daily. One type is often seen first thing in the morning. It is firmer and capped with white urine salts.  Less frequently, the chicken will expel a runnier brown or green, fecal dropping. While both of these droppings will have a slight odor, you should note if the odor is extremely bad or if the appearance is really out of the normal range for your flock. Keep in mind that certain vegetables, such as beet greens may turn the droppings a different color temporarily, without the chicken appearing ill.

Healthy Chickens Have Healthy Appetites
Chickens who are unwell do not eat much. Sometimes they stop eating completely. This is another reason it is good to observe your flock when you are feeding. If a chicken does not come for food, stays off to itself, and is not pecking at the ground for insects or morsels, something could definitely be wrong. What follows next is weight loss, another sign of illness. Young chickens are continually growing and maturing. A young chicken who does not eat enough will not gain weight like the others in the flock. The young birds continue to fill out in size for the first 6 months. Even after egg laying begins, some growth and weight gain can still be occurring. Older hens and roosters should be able to maintain their weight.  The older hen that begins to look scrawny and small, may be suffering from an undetected illness. Some of my chickens prefer to eat from the feeder and some prefer to free range while I am supervising.  Knowing what is normal for them is also a good indication of how they are doing health wise.

Healthy Young Hens are Laying Eggs
Many factors can influence egg laying, including age, molt, weather, stressful environment, and placement of nesting boxes. If you reliably get an egg a day from a good laying hen, and then she stops laying, you may wonder why have my chickens stopped laying? The quality of the eggshell can also be a sign of problems. Thin, weak shells can be caused by inadequate nutrition or inadequate mineral absorption. Knowing what to feed chickens will help you avoid any illnesses due to inadequate nutrition.

Chicken diseases and illness can be caused by a number of things. Viruses, bacteria, molds, fungus, and parasites are the infectious type of illness. Often, if one of these occur, more than one bird will be affected. Some sick chicken symptoms are mild, leading to a day or two of not feeling up to par and exhibiting a low appetite. Other diseases, such as avian influenza can and will wipe out the flock in a matter of days. My recommendation is to not panic when sick chicken symptoms are observed. Assess the bird’s overall health, using the sick chicken symptoms listed here. First, isolate the sick chicken, to help prevent the spread of any possible contagious illness.

Sick Chicken Symptoms

Is the bird active or listless?
Is the bird grooming or is it unkempt with ruffled feathers?
Is the bird interested in eating?
Is the bird coughing or expelling fluid?
Is the bird able to stand on its own?
Is the hen still laying eggs?
Is the bird excreting normal or abnormal droppings?
Preventing Illness
As is the case with all types of animals, prevention and a healthy life will go a long way to preventing serious illness. Feeding an appropriate healthy diet, supplementing with herbs, and treating the chickens with probiotic-rich foods will help them ward off many minor illnesses. Fermented feed, apple cider vinegar (2 tablespoons in a gallon of water) and garlic powder added to the feed (sprinkled on top) will all help build a strong immune system in your flock. Clean and sanitary conditions are also important. Removing droppings that attract flies, keeping their coop dry and well ventilated and replacing soiled wet beddind immediately will all help the the chicken to stay healthy.
Whenever suspect any of the above symptoms in your chicken please try and give them appropriate drugs or call on vet doctor for proper treatment.


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