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  Marriage is honourable institution that believers must prayerfully and watchfully enter into.
Marriage is the oldest human institution. It is older than the church of any human government. Marriage has been ordained of the Lord for companionship and the procreation of the race. Marriage leads to the establishment of homes for children where happiness and joy can reign. Although we live in the days of low moral standards, when marriage vows are easily broken and divorce is considered common, God's law and and standard do not change. Any Christian who breaks his marriage vows is therefore playing with fire.


There are several reasons we should marry if we feel led by our standard and by God to do so.
These are some reasons why we should marry.
1. To obey the command of God.
2. For fellowship.
3. For the propagation of the human race
4. To satisfy the sexual and emotional desires that are good, holy, and legitimate, which can only be satisfied in marriage.
5. For partnership, it takes two to make one flesh..

          WHO SHOULD MARRY ?

Godly person should not marry the ungodly. In God's sight, it is unacceptable far a godly person and ungodly on to be united in holy matrimony to be a one flesh. How can the be one when one serve God , in holiness and righteousness, while the other serves idols ?.
1. God command: be ye not unequivocally yoked together with unbeliever.
2. Light has no communion with darkness.
3. Believers has no part with infidel.
4. Righteousness has no fellowship with unrighteousness.
5. Christ has no concord with Balial.
6. God's temple has no agreement with idols.
It is easy then to see that the question that naturally comes to mind is , how can this two set of people who are so different, form a true partnership and have joyful fellowship ? Think deeply of this.
Remember, marriage is an honourable institution that believers must prayerfully and watchfully enter into. It is more of a spiritual affair than just being partnership and have joyful fellowship. Think and  pray before going into that marriage. God will direct your your ways.

How to Raise chicken and benefits of raising Chicken

 If you are thinking about keeping chickens, but aren’t convinced – or you already keep chickens and were just looking for something to read! Either way, welcome! Now, back to the topic. When it comes to keeping chickens, especially for those who are just beginning to look into the topic, it can seem daunting, difficult, and maybe even a little stressful. And as appealing as the idea of keeping chickens might be, you may be wondering – is it really worth it? In this article, I’m going to be talking about some different reasons as to why chickens are a great choice, and after looking at the facts, hopefully, it’ll help you make up your mind.

1. Eggs
Yum, eggs! There’s something so appealing about seeing an egg on your breakfast plate and knowing that it came from your own flock.
You can decide if you want to free-range your flock or feed them organic feed. It’s your choice, and it makes it a lot easier than scanning the shelves for the exact carton of eggs you want in the store. Also, to clear up any confusion – no, you don’t need roosters for hens to lay eggs.
Also, if you’ve ever dreamed of having a beautiful collection of eggs in different colors and tones (Think – green, blue, white, pink, brown, cream, and more!) now’s your chance! You can pick out different breeds that lay the egg color you prefer – though the eggs only change by looks, not by taste.
Chicken eggs are a powerhouse of nutrients – Vitamin D, iodine, phosphorus, and lots of other very healthy things – and studies show that chickens that you raise at home in healthy conditions will lay far more nutritious eggs than those raised on commercial factory farms.

Doesn’t it sound amazing to be able to go out to the coop and grab a freshly laid egg for your breakfast? And if you’re stuck at home for some time, you’ll still have fresh food!

2. Low-Maintenance
Seriously. Chickens are surprisingly easy to keep and don’t require much time to take care of. The most time-consuming part of keeping chickens is getting started. (Gathering supplies, building the coop, getting set up, researching – but even that isn’t too hard!)

On an average day, you could spend about 20 minutes taking care of the chickens if you wanted. You’d want to give them feed, fresh water, let them out of their coop in the morning, lock them up at night, and gather eggs. Of course, if you love your chickens like I do, you might find yourself reading books to them and having a chat over a cup of tea with them – but obviously, that’s not mandatory.

Cleaning the coop generally shouldn’t need to be done every day – depending on the size of the coop and amount of your chickens, it could be from once a week to several months – especially if you end up using the deep litter method.
Chickens are also extremely common right now, so it’s super easy to find supplies to raise them – you can even buy entire chicken coops, just make sure the coop is sturdy and good quality before buying!
Chickens are really simple to take care of, and raising them can be extremely satisfying.

3. Inexpensive
That’s right. Chickens aren’t expensive to raise at all. True, if you buy a vast, pre-built coop and luxury items for the flock, things are going to get a little pricy. But in general, keeping chickens can leave you happy and satisfied without ending up with an empty wallet.
Common chicken breeds can cost around $5 per chick at your local feed store, and feed, bedding, and other essentials often don’t cost much – depending on your area, you can easily buy them for less than $20. Even coops – when hand-built and made with recycled materials – can cost less than $100. Or even better, if you have a shed or old playhouse, you can EASILY convert it to the coop for little money.
So, to sum it up (No pun intended), raising these beautiful, egg-laying chickens probably isn’t going to leave you bankrupt – and they’ll be giving you free breakfast. It’s a win-win!

4. Reduce Waste
Think of it – when you’re cooking, you’re probably going to end up with scraps of food – and oftentimes, those scraps are going to end up in the trash.
Why waste something that would be happily enjoyed by your outdoor friends? The chickens! They’ll happily munch on scraps, leftovers, or food that isn’t spoiled – but might look bruised. Just remember not to give them food like pizza too often – that’s not great for their health.
But adding some kitchen scraps to their diet can give them some extra vitamins and nutrients, especially if they don’t free-range. Do make sure to review poisonous foods for chickens, so you don’t accidentally feed them something bad. But if you give them some yummy scraps, your chickens will thank you!
If you take up raising chickens, you’ll not only be having a flock full of fun antics and making you smile every time you see them, but they’ll be helping you reduce waste from the kitchen!

5. Fertilizer
Yep! Not only can you reduce waste by giving your chickens scraps, but if you garden, you can use your flock’s droppings to grow more food for your kitchen, and then those scraps can go to your flock! It’s a never-ending cycle!
Just remember that you shouldn’t put the manure on your plants immediately – you want to let it age first. Mixing it with leaves, straw bedding, and other green compost is a great way to ‘cook’ it.
And if you don’t garden, or you have too much manure for yourself to handle, many gardeners would be happy to take it off your hands!
Photo Credit: Johnathan Cooper from Shutterstock

6. Pest Control
Many chickens are great at pest control. They love patrolling the area, searching for tasty bugs to grab, which is beneficial for all of us.
Some pests that they especially like are ticks, mosquitos, ants, slugs, and more! So, if you have anything like slugs ruining your garden, chickens just might be the way to go. They’ll be happy to take down some of those pests for you! Silkies and bantam breeds are especially known for their slug-hunting skills!

7. Sustainable Living
There’s something about being able to walk out to the coop, gather eggs from your very own flock that you’ve raised, and then use those eggs to provide a nourishing meal for yourself or others that is truly unique and rewarding.
The fact that you were able to raise those chicks and be able to provide some of your own food is eye-opening. What could you do next? If you live on enough land, chickens can be the gateway to goats, bees, ducks, and more. Or you could start to learn more about gardening so that you could grow more food. Or maybe raising your own little flock is enough, just knowing that you don’t depend completely on the grocery store for all of your food is really…uplifting.
Chickens can be used for more than just eggs, too. They can produce manure for the garden, and if you’re interested in raising your own meat, chickens are a starting point that many will begin with.
When it comes right down to it, being able to raise your own food, eggs, meat, or more, is a beautiful, wonderful thing to accomplish.

8. Education
Chickens are a great way to learn where your food comes from and learn more about the animals that you might encounter in everyday life, or the products from these animals that you commonly use.
If you have children, it’s also a great opportunity to teach them responsibility by letting them take part in the chicken-tending. Collecting eggs, refilling feeders, and more are all great ways for them to learn about caring for the world around them and to be dependable.

9 Pets
Nowadays, chickens as pets have been on a rise. And for some good reasons, too!
They’re easier to care for and less expensive than cats or dogs, and they’re the pet that makes breakfast – I say that’s a pretty neat combo! Chickens are the type of pet that seems to always make you smile and have funny little antics that often will leave you laughing. It’s also extremely peaceful to watch them, and many chickens will happily jump up into your lap for some snuggle time. Some breeds, like the Silkie, are particularly great for pets, with their soft, down-like feathers.
Chickens are also great for therapy and becoming more and more popular for this purpose. Chicken therapy has been found to be a great success for people with anxiety, depression, autism, and loneliness, giving people a sense of purpose, order, and self-worth. I personally have found great comfort in chickens and consider them my “emotional support animals.”
In my opinion, chickens make a wonderful choice for pets, and they have some great qualities that make them a great option, like the ease of caring for them and their bonus of laying eggs.

Chickens are great animals, they’re friendly, hardy, easy to care for, and are multi-purpose – whether you’re interested in keeping them as pets, livestock, or both, they’re a great choice to have around. There are many more reasons as to why to keep chickens, but these are my main reasons. So, do you think chickens are the right animals for you? If so, there are many resources for keeping chickens, like books, websites, and of course, here on BYC! Keeping chickens is not only fun and easy but extremely beneficial.





As human we do experience one bad thing or the others but at any use or disposition God chooses to make of any part of His creation, His sovereign regn. God is accountable only to Himself. He does things in His own way, He is not required at any time to give to any person any explanation for anything He does. He is the almighty above all powers in every area of His creation.
We as human do not expect to understand fully the purpose for our trials until our Lord calls us home to be with Him. But we do know that He loves us too much and He care so much about us, and that He is far more concerned with our welfare than we are. God's choices are always right. He is capable of carrying out any project to a successful conclusion without the possibility of fault or failure. Nothing on earth happens by chance or accident. For every effect there is a cause. God "worketh all things after the counsel of His own will: That we should be to the praise of his glory" .

It was Wednesday, the Eighteen years of marriage of Mr and Ma Bobby without a child, They have try all their possible best looking for blessing of the womb, the doctor have try all what they can do so that Mrs Bobby can conceived but no good news. I waited expectantly in the corridor outside Mr Bobby's room. When the doctor appeared his remarks were brief and pointed.
The doctor say" We are making arrangements to position your wife for the next treatment.
He hesitated. I detected a bit of concern in his delayed reply. I was right. His words came slowly.

"There is nothing more that we can do medically for Mrs. Bobby." He placed his hand on my shoulder and patted it gently. "I'm sorry," he said, and he walked away.

I took her hand in mine. Then I assured her that there was nothing to fear because God was in control.

But did I really believe that God was in control? The mere thought of questioning the sovereignty of God scared me. But then, the government of the universe is a question with which most of us have grappled at some time. We Christians affirm our belief in the sovereignty of God, but our faith is challenged in times of natural upheaval, national disaster, or personal affliction. Pain and poverty, disease and death, sorrow and suffering all tend to cause us to think seriously about God as creator and controller of the world of which we are a part. It is not always easy to believe that God is in control.

I tell Mr and Mrs Bobby to believe in God and employed to follow God way , two of them accepted and we agreed to let God take control, Mr and Mr Bobby give their life to Christ and they begin prayer and fasting, I also help them in praying together, we do night vigil in their house and also in my house.
After strong prayer and fasting , Mr and Mrs Bobby surrender all to God and they let God take control of their childlessness. To God be the glory Mrs Bobby conceived after three months of fasting and prayer, it was a God doing and is marvelous in our eye.

Can you imaging ? What they have been looking for good eight year looking for worldly solutions was solve within just three months of God control. No matter what you are been going for days , months and years if you believe and move closer to God, He will take control and you problems , sadness will turn to joy.
He is God, and He knows what we want and what we needs, all He needed from you is your faithfulness and holiness, and believe that He is in Control.
Whatever you are going through, He is there for you, stop looking for worldly help but put all your trust and hope in Him, whatever that is above human solution in your life, remember , God is in control.

Easy and low cost ways to treat fowl Pox on your chicken

Fowl Pox is one of the common problem poultry keepers encounter ,
I want to share this with all of you, in hopes to cheer you up about and let  you know how to cure fowl Pox easily on your chickens, or to save a flock from being wrongly culled when it effective, safe cure. I have been working with these birds for nearly 20 years and it does have a cure, and they never get sick again. The virus won't lay "dormant" and re-infect your flock if you take the time to take precautions and cure every little scab you spot. The pox may never even pop up again. While vaccination does indeed work and should be the first choice for commercial flocks, the cure for us backyard chicken owners can be easily accessible for $3 dollars but they (some people, articles) don't share this information.

The secret to cure fowl pox ?

Gently remove the scabs, and coat the wound on the skin with clear nail polish. Make sure to repeat every few days. It will naturally fall off and cure itself with fresh new skin and feathers. I'm attaching a few images of a severe case I had of fowl pox before and after 1 year. This guy's fowl pox gave him coryza too, and his weakened immune system made him prone to parasites and secondary infections. I cleaned up everything, coated his eye and ear with terramycin ointment from the agriculture supply shop 1-2 times a day, and administered orally one small pea size portion of panacur's fenbendazole dewormer. He has never came up with the pox again and never infected any of his flock mates.

For birds that only have pox:

Gently removing the scabs off and applying the polish is all it takes to turn it back to a healthy bird. The bacteria that lies beneath the scab is the real culprit, and the polish prevents oxygen from reaching it, which is why even if you don't rip the scabs off, they will dry up by themselves if you apply the polish daily. They will get cured in a span from a few days to a few weeks depending how severe. My chicken was already showing improvement by 1 weeks and grew new skin and feathers by one month. It's best to keep severe cases isolated to prevent pecking and stress.  
If you see know Changes after some weeks pls call your vet doctor.



As the security situation in our country is getting worst day by day, these are what you, your household and people around should know. You should always avoid these situations, 1 Walking alone in a lonely street at night. 2 Standing alone at the bus stop early in the morning or late at night could be a security risk. Crime can take place at all times, at any place , but there are seasons when crime is more pronounced. These seasons will be analyzed on the blog. Season and time when crime are more pronounced are" 1 DURING A RIOT- A good number of people in the rioting crowd are there not because of the reasons for the so call riot , but for their own selfish reasons – to steal, loot, and vandalize people’s properties. Some seize that opportunity to attack and eliminate perceived enemies or business competitors. So watch out at such time. 2. DURING TRANSACTION – Like when you get a large sum of money from the bank or getting your salary or when you are being paid for a job done. There are people who do nothing but hang around bank premises to monitor other people and cash movement. Some of them open account with their target banks and use that excuse to perpetrate their evil activities. Be extremely careful and watchful at such times. 3. DURING FUND RAISING – There is always a large gathering of people. These gatherings always accommodate mixed multitudes of both good and evil intention. The good one are concerned with raising funds for a good purpose but the bad ones are there to monitor the donors and the movement of cash donated at such occasions. It is common for robbers to attacks and demand for the money being raised. When you hold such occasions, it is advisable that apart from getting adequate police protection, you have security operatives in mufti mixing with the crowd to observe, monitor, and frustrate criminal activities. 4.  DURING FESTIVALS PARTIES, POLITICAL RALLIES AND CONVENTIONS- Criminal activities are always on the increase. Most robbery case are recorded during Christmas season when people celebrate, than at any other period of the year. At parties where money is sprayed robbers get attracted. At rallies and Conventions- Pick pocket thrive. You then hear of wallets lost , handsets stolen, jewelries cut, etc . During the coronation of a new Oba just last week , the handset of a senior security operative got stolen. Watch out at such times. This is a veritable crime season. When you organize such programs, don’t be stingy on security. You gain more by paying for security to be on guards when you are holding a big program. Give information about criminals and criminal activities in your area to appropriate authorities. Don’t act unconcerned. 5. PUBLIC SUPPORT- Rally your unions and communities, churches and organizations and raise funds to support security efforts by security agencies in your areas. Be your brother keepers, never thing you are good to go, always works with others to secure your immediate community. Teach your children what to do when they are alone at home. Always do good to the security men men in your community so as to get their best, if they are in need of security gadgets help them to buy it because this will help them to protect you well. Always be security conscious. Lastly in case there is gun shot , Always down on the floor whenever you heard any gun shot around you, this will protect you from bullet flying around.


As chicken keepers we learn new things everyday, and today I want to discuss about CRD's in chickens, what is CRD'S and how to manage them.
First , what exactly is a CRD? CRD stands for ( Chronic Respiratory Disease ) and there are many, including

1. Fowl cholera.
one of the symptoms is swollen wattle's.

2. Infectious laryngotracheitis

one of the symtoms is bubbles in eyes.

3. Infectious bronchitis
one of the symptoms is gasping

4. Infectious Coryza
one of the symptoms if facial swelling

Sadly once your chicken has become infected with one of these CRD's there is no way to treat or cure it, you can only manage it. This is because antibiotics cannot fully destroy cure the CRD. Most times the symptoms of a CRD look to be the same as those of a URI and can even be mistaken as a URI. So whats the difference between a CRD and a URI? A Chronic Respiratory Disease looks and acts the same way a respiratory infection would. Your chickens might seem weak, lethargic, maybe they are sneezing or coughing or have bubbles in their eyes. You treat them and soon all symptoms disappear making you believe they are cured, But the thing is the CRD hasn't been cured but is laying dormant. If the chicken gets stressed in anyway all of these infections may come back.
So you must give your chicken good care and always treat them of any infections before CRD come in, and they best way to keep your chicken away from infections and diseases is by making your chicken house clean and always dry , I mean always dry, when your chicken house is clean and dry, it will be difficult for infection and diseases to stay in your chicken house.
Dirty and wet chicken house is breeding place for infection and diseases.


As a chicken owner i keep finding all those natural and herbal stuff for my flock that makes my Backyard or Pet chickens super healthy .

Today's article is all about that famous herb from China & Japan that is use as a traditional Tea which contain huge health benefits , Yes Í'm talking about Camellia sinensis Aka Green Tea .

The Green tea is very high in Antioxidants . A small tea bag of Green Tea contains 10 Apples Antioxidants & flavonoids . Also green tea contain many other things too like
vitamins A, C, E and many of the B vitamins. There are 13 essential types of vitamins: A, C, D, E, K and Bvitamins (Thiamine (B1), Riboflavin (B2), Niacin (B3), Pantothenic acid (B5), Biotin (B7) Folate (B9) .

Now Lets know more about what the miracles Green Tea Can do for your chicken .  I personally used green tea on my roosters and i see good results on Cough , Cold Like Symptoms . One of it's chemicals is epigallocatechin-gallate which is known for its ability to increase the number of regulatory T cells, useful in fighting off autoimmune diseases. Other notable healing substances include fluoride, catechins, and tannins .
These are likely benefits of green tea

Digestive aid
One of my rooster always shows some sort of walking backwards symptoms which are Vitamin E problem,. as you know vitamin E also contains antioxidants so just as a try when i give him 5 ml of  green and the symptoms almost fade away , am soo happy! So now whenever i made a cup for myself i give it to my roosters too .

there are some researches shown that green tea in chickens routine help them prevent Cocci & Ecoli .
As mentioned above, green tea is antiviral it can be used in issues like NDV (Newcastle Disease) . Green tea contains catechins, which are polyphenolic compounds that are known to exhibit strong anti-influenza activity. A study conducted on chickens by Lee HJ et al., 2012 showed that adding 10 g/kg of green tea to the diet of chickens showed significant antiviral protection against AVIAN FLU

Chemistry Of Green Tea :
Fresh green tea leaves contain five major catechins: catechin (C), (−)-epicatechin (EC), (−)-epicatechin 3-gallate (ECG), (−)-epigallocatechin (EGC) and (−)-epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG). These compounds are water-soluble and contribute to bitterness and astringency of green tea.

I Hope you are able to feel good about the use of green tea in chickens and others poultry birds . thanks for reading
if you would like to follow us ,you can follow Us on Instagram @bobbytoyese, Facebook @Ariyotoyesekolawole and Twitter @bobbytoyese .


Despite friendship and relationship, a man cannot love without his mind. Men are designed to love with their mind. A man you yet to know h...