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Do you know you have treasure within you?
God put it there. It is in your unique qualities, plus the fire in your soul. Life may have thrown cold water on that fire but God can rekindle it
. NOTE THIS TREASURE WITHIN YOU IS FROM GOD.... 2COR, 4:7. And what He owns He protects, He nurtures , and will use to His glory. But God is a wise business man , when He invest He expects return!
It is sad that the wealthiest spot on this planet is not the oil field of Kuwait or the diamond mines of south Africa. No, the richest deposits lie in your local cemetery. Buried beneath those sacred grounds are dreams that never came to pass, songs that were never sung, books that were never written, ideal that were never shared, inventions that were never designed, plans that were never got beyond the drawing board of the mind,and purposes that were never fulfilled. Only few percentage of those who live on this planet will discover and fulfill their true potential. Do you want to be one of them?
Ask yourself: 'WHO AM I ? HOW MUCH POTENTIAL DO I HAVE ? HOW CAN I MAXIMIZE MY ABILITY FOR HIS GLORY ?' Within the answer to the questions lie the keys to a fulfilled life.
If you haven't found your purpose yet, talk to God. In (Col.1:6) the bible says ' Everything found its purpose in Him' .
Before you spoke your first word or took your first step. God had a plan for your life. You say, 'I HAVE FAILED SO BADLY ' . May be, but it's amazing what God can do with a broken life when you give Him all the pieces!

Overcoming procrastination.
To overcome procrastination you must:
1. Take responsibility for your life. No matter how hard you wish, the tooth fairy isn't going to come while you are sleeping and replace failure with success. Great souls has wills, feeble souls have wishes. You need to do something!
1.Examine your excuses. An excuse puts the blame on something other than you, which means the solution is beyond your reach. Excuse are like exit signs on the road to progress; they take us off track .
It's easier to move from failure to success, than from excuse to success. So examine your excuse and eliminate them.
3. Focus on the benefits of completing a task . To get you over the hump, focus on what you will get out of it when you get it done. Will it bring you benefit? Clear the way for something else you'd like to do?
Be a milestone in your personal development or the completion of something bigger? Will it help to clear the decks for you emotionally ? Admiral William Halsey said, ' Problems become smaller if can confront them. Touch a thistle timidly and it pricks you, grasp it boldly and it spines crumble.
4. Ask for help. Colombos didn't discover the new world on his own, he needed a crew. Speaking of the church, Paul writes. ' Each the other part to grow' (Eph. 4:16 NLT) . There's no way to value the assistance others can give you when it comes to breaking old habit and beginning new ones. Yes it means taking a risk because you will be vulnerable in sharing your hopes and fears. But the risk is worth working.
Try all within you to locate the treasure within you.

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